The Boy on the iceberg

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Water, Earth, Fire, and Air.

Long ago the four nations lived in harmony, but that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar the mast of all four elements could stop the ruthless freebanders. But when the world needed him the most. He vanished. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing total victory over all of the nations. Some people believe the Avatar was never born into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I believe he's still out there.

My name is Percy Jackson, I'm my tribes only and last waterbender, born in at the South Water Nation Tribe. My village was small, and mainly filled with non bending woman. All the men had left to go fight the Fire Nation in the Great War. While I was to young to join them when they left.

Now 16, a secret waterbender constantly hiding my identity from the constant Fire Nation raids. I'm the sole boy in the small village, forced to grow up without a father and a mother. Who had died to protect me and hide my bending from the Fire Nation soldiers. I'm alone, left to guard the woman and protect his village with no training. The sole protector of my people.

I was standing guard, scanning the ocean for Fire Navy ships. "When I lost my mother—"

"Katara fuck off! I lost my mother too, but I don't bring it up every ten seconds!" I shouted, tossing fish bones at her. "You know what? Here," I handed my spear to Katara. "You take a shift, maybe tell the spear about your mom."

"My mother—"

"Gods save me..." I pinched the bridge of my nose, and walked away. I grabbed my ice surf board and left the village. To go surf, and scout around the area.

I jumped on the board, and floated in the glassy still water. No waves at all. But that's never stopped me before. I made sure to go past some glaciers, out of sight of the village. Then decided to have some fun. With a tug in my gut, the waves started to bulge around me. I raised my arms in a wave like motion, the ocean under me slowly growing larger and larger.

Growing up, I never had a waterbending teacher. Since they were all eradicated at the village or taken to prison camps never to be seen again. Waterbending became illegal, and they would often get raids by Fire Nation soldiers to see if there was still no waterbending there. Since was now a fighting age boy, I either had to hide, or stick my legs in the snow to my knees to make it look like I had no legs. The Fire Nation fell for it every time. Idiots.

I only knew one somewhats of a move. Swish my arms around and make waves big enough to surf on. Pretty much a non bender like my best friend Sokka. He died though. Fell in the water, and got ate by a bear shark.

Once the waves had grown large enough, the water took the rest on it's own. The ocean would take pity and continue making waves for me. I rode down a small barrel, just about waist high. When an iceberg erupted from under the water. I tried to doge, but my board hit the newly appeared iceberg and slammed onto the icy ground.

Struggling to get up, my body wet and cold from sliding across the ice. But when I stood, my mouth fell open. In a giant frozen ball of ice, there was a person inside, glowing?

I looked around, and found a shard of ice from my ice surf board. That had shattered on impact with the iceberg. I picked it up and started to dig at the frozen ball, trying to see if the person inside is alive. After a while, I broke through, and a giant burst of air exploded from the crack pushing me back, and sending me sliding across the ice, almost falling into the frozen water.

The glacier crumbled into it's self, and a glowing figure rose out of the ice ball and gently sank to the ground. Once the feet hit, the glowing stopped, and the person collapsed. I was helped up to my feet by someone.

"Katara how did you get here?!" I said.

"My mother—"

I pushed Katara into the frozen ocean. Then ran over to the figure now laying on the ice. The clothing was yellow and orange. Nothing I had ever seen before. Then again, I've never left the village, and only seen water nation clothes and fire nation armor.

The figure was sleeping, I poked it with my finger. They rolled over and blonde long hair uncurled showing their face. It was a girl! A really pretty girl... lightly tanned skin, she wasn't even cold to the touch, and she was breathing. She was alive! I silently cheered. The only girls in the village or either married or grannies. The married ones are fun, but no long term stuff. Now the gods have granted me a beautiful girl from under the sea!

I poked the beautiful girls face again, her eyes shot open. They were gray and beautiful. She moved quickly, a burst of air coming from nowhere sending me to my back. The girl disappeared. "Whoa!" I said. Looking around for her. "Where'd you go?" I shouted. "I want to marry you." I whispered.

"Where am I?" A girls voice said. She didn't mention her mother, so it wasn't Katara.

"Near the Southern Water Tribe," I said. "What's your name?"

"Annabeth," she said. "I'm the...Avatar."

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