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"So..." I said looking at Annabeth. We had stopped to camp out, it was warm and there was a lot of grass. It was my first time seeing grass. There was a medium sized lake where we stopped, and we decided it was a good time to practice waterbending. "So..."

Annabeth chuckled. "So..." she smiled. She had changed into swimwear. Air Nation swim wear, baggy shorts and a cropped orange shirt. I changed too, mainly I took of my shirt and found some shorts hanging up that I... stole. "I'm ready to learn, Master," she smiled and bowed to me.

"So..." I said, I was stunned by her. Even though she was wearing the weirdest swimsuit ever, she was a whole lot better then seeing Gran-Gran nude in the sauna. Annabeth's skin glistened from the water, as she stood knee deep. Her midriff was occupying all of my attention. She waved at me, snapping me out of my gaze. "Oh right. Um have you had any sort of waterbending training at all?"

"Not one lick," Annabeth said.

"Ok, I'll teach you everything I know. Ready and watch me," I said, standing a few paces away from her in the water. I started to wave my arms up and down, mimicking a wave of water. The water around me started to push and pull, forming a small wave. "Alright, that's everything I know. You are a waterbending master now, congrats," I said. Annabeth laughed and started doing the motions.

At once her wave grew, pulling the water from around us completely away. Leaving us just standing in wet sand. The wave grew and grew until it was about 5 times our height. "Uh... I think that's good," I said staring at the huge wave. Then it came crashing down, hitting Annabeth and I in a tidal wave. Appa, who was in the lake too, ended up on the beach, his giant paw landing on top of me, crushing the air out of every hole in my body.

"Oh gosh! Percy are you ok!?" Annabeth rushed over, her golden hair was wet, and curling. She lifted Appa's giant wet furred paw off of my chest and pulled me out. I stood up, gasping for air.

"That....that was great..." I panted. "A little more work...and you'll be as good... as me in no time... I'm kidding, you are obviously way better than me already."

"I'm sorry," Annabeth said.

"No don't be," I smiled. "I mean you are the Avatar, master of all four elements. The Avatar has mastered every single element hundreds of times. So relearning them now is more like a... refresher course."

"I'm hungry, I saw there was a nearby town. Want to go see if we can get some food, I'm curious to see what food looks like 100 years in the future," Annabeth smiled.

We got changed and walked to the nearby town. It was a large port town, filled with ships, and stalls for fish and other foods. The town was bustling with people, all trading for food or goods, and talking over each other trying to get the best deals.

"Percy look!" Annabeth shouted and pointed to a wooden ship with giant masts, a wooden stand out front told us it was an emporium of curios from other worlds. Annabeth pulled me into the up the gangplank and into the ship, a lot of gristle seamen were on the deck watching us. We entered the hull, and found the shop. It was packed full of stuff from every nation. Annabeth split off, while I found some water tribe stuff.

Mainly just Water Nation trinkets like marriage necklaces and other cheep knock off accessories.

"Hey Mister!" Annabeth said. I looked over to her, she was at the checkout counter with something on the counter. "Do you take Air Nation coins?"

"Air Nation?" The large, bearded man with an eye patch and parrot said. His voice was ruff, mean. "How did you get Air Nation coins?" the man said, inspecting the coin closely.

"Because I'm—"

"—We traded some skins for them," I interjected. Annabeth looked at me confused. "I want to buy these waterbending scrolls too, so I'm sure you take Water Nation coins right?" I said.

He looked at the scrolls and then to me, then to Annabeth. "Air Nation..." the man said. "I heard the Avatar was supposed to be from the Air Nation. That's why the Fire Nation raided each temple and killed off all the airbenders."

My eyes went wide, I looked to Annabeth who looks confused. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Back when the war started, and Avatar Roku died. The Fire Lord knew the next Avatar was going to be born an airbender. The Fire Nation found a way to get to each of the Air Temples, and did killed every Air Nomad, killing off an entire element in one hard attack. That will be twenty pieces, or you can give me all your Air Nation coins and you can have your stuff. The coins will earn a hefty price form collector," the man laughed darkly.

"You can't have them," Annabeth said, taking her purse of coins, and leaving the shop. I bought the stuff with the rest of my water coins and quickly left after her. Annabeth stomped all the way back to camp, without saying a word. I just followed behind her. Once we got to camp, she started to toss stuff up onto the saddle.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Leaving to the Sothern Air Temple, where I was born. I need to see if what he said is true," Annabeth growled.

"Annabeth, it's almost dark out," I said. "Please, let's just camp for tonight, eat, and get some sleep. Then first thing, we go to the Southern Air Temple. Ok?" Annabeth stopped, and lowered her head. She nodded slowly.

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