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Prince Jason of the Fire Nation stood proudly before my people. Making kids cry, and the woman cower, forcing old ladies and pregnant woman to get down in the frozen snow and ice. I stood up and faced him.

"The Avatar isn't here!" I shouted.

"Percy no!" one of the woman of my village screamed.

One of Jasons subordinates whispered into his ear. "Huh would you look at that. This... worthless stain of a village does have a fighting aged male. Do you know what happens to people who oppose the Fire Nation?" Jason said coldly. "They get burnt. Or they go to prison as war criminals. Now, Percy of this shit hole village. How do you wish to die? Burnt to a crips or Executed in prison?"

"I don't really like either of those options. Is there anymore?" I asked. "Cause that ugly scar on your face... I don't want to get burnt like that." I said. Prince Jason snarled, his left eye had been permanently burnt at some point in his life. Like someone placed their hand on his eye, and firebended until it was a red scorch mark on his face. Branding him for life.

Jason punched, and a jet of hot flames roared out from his closed fist. I managed to duck under the flames, just in time, but to close for comfort. The smell of burnt hair filled my nose, and I reached up to touch my head.

"It's still there sweetie, just got singed," a woman said.

I stood back up and faced Jason down. His crew reacted, and was about to torch me. But Jason waved them off, "He's mine!" He then jumped, spun in the air and kicked. A jet of fire exploded at the spot where I was standing just before I moved. I ran to Jason, and punched. My fist connected to his unaware jaw, and he fell to the snow.

"Holy shit I didn't think that would have worked!" I said. "Come on baby don't fail me now." I closed my eyes, and started to move my arms in a wave like motion. A feint tug at my gut, and I heard screams. I opened my eyes, to see my trap had worked.

During the summer a few years ago, I built a trench in the ice infront of our village. And with just enough waterbending, on which I just so happen to have. I could dislodge the ice, and the weight of the combined men on it, would fall into the frozen ocean below. What I didn't account on, however. Is the weight of their armor. They fell into the water, and did not come back up.

"Oops," I said, looking at the new black hole of dark ocean infront of me. Jason looked in horror as he watched his crew disappear under the still icy water. "I mean, yeah!" the woman cheered.

While laying on the ground, Jason spun like a top, kicking his feet. My legs got hit, and flew in the air, then I slammed back down to the snow. Jason was standing over me, red hot rage in his face. His closed fist aimed at my head started to slowly set fire, he pulled his fist back, the fire growing. Then he got blasted with a strong gust of wind, sending Jason flying through the air and onto his ship.

I looked up and saw Annabeth was standing over me now, with her hand reaching out to me. "Come on Percy, we have to go." Annabeth helped me up, and then she spun and jumped so high into the air, I lost sight of her. Next thing I saw, was the Fire Navy ship get hit hard on it's side. So hard it started to tip over. Again and again the ship was blasted with something I couldn't see, pushing it further onto it's side. Then it finally gave in, and rolled belly up like a lion hippo.

Annabeth landed near me again, panting. "Ready Percy?"

"What the hell did you just do?!" I said.

"I used airbending to knock over the ship," she said. "Come on we have to go before reinforcements come."

We quickly packed our stuff onto Annabeth's air cow, and I said goodbye to the woman in my village. "Stay safe ok, I promise me and the Avatar will end this war."

"Percy I'm pregnant," Jill said.

"Congrats," I said, not really knowing why she was telling me this. "I have to go, please stay save, and hide in the places I told you about if anymore Fire Navy ships come." I jumped onto the flying fuzz ball. "See you when the war ends!" I shouted.

"Appa, Yip-yip!" Annabeth shouted.

"The hell does that mean—holy shit!" I shouted. Annabeth's flying water bull actually started to fly in the air. My little village quickly turned into a spec on the snow. We leveled out, and I lost sight of the place I called home, leaving for the first time in my life. I turned to see Annabeth sitting on the edge of the saddle, staring at me with a weird smile. "What?"

"Nothing!" Annabeth said, she blushed and quickly flew into the air and landed on the stinking wildebeests head. 

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