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I stood at the lake, reading the waterbending scrolls I bought, and practicing the movements. Annabeth was anxious, paced paths faster than I could ever run, around the camp fire, causing a few tiny tornados that mixed with the fire, creating fire tornados without her firebending. After one of her nervous tornados singed the peach fuzz on my ass, I knew I had to calm her down some how.

"Annabeth... can you come here?" I said, in my least angry tone. The smell of burnt hair stinging my nose. She stopped, just as another fire tornado was about to form, the dust settling back down into the dirt behind her. He walked over to the edge of the lake. "Come on, let's practice."

"No Percy, I can't practice until I see the Southern Air Temple," Annabeth said. "I need to know!"

"I know, and you will Annabeth. But there is nothing we can do right at this moment, so we might as well train our bending...before anymore of my hair burns off," I said, then beckoned her over. "Come on...might as well Annabeth, it will help settle your mind."

"Fine..." Annabeth grumbled and kicked off her shoes, and quickly striped her Air Nomad clothes off into her swim wear she had on underneath. She sloshed into the water and stood next to me.

"Ok, this move is called the Get Back Bitch, I Don't Know you," I said pointing to the scrolls pictures.

Annabeth laughed, "It says Water Whip right above the move Percy!"

"Yeah, but renaming things is more fun. So come on Wise Girl," I took the first stance on the directions. Annabeth did the same. We followed each move in sync to each other. A long rope of water rose out of the lake and floated infront of us. We swished, and flowed are arms with the movements on the directions. Then we both snapped our wrists. The twin ropes of water contracted and snapped with a loud CRACK! "No way! We did it!" I shouted and jumped around in the water. Annabeth laughed, watching me splash around. Until I stepped on a rock, my ankle rolled and I went under the water.

"Percy!" Annabeth laughed. I didn't come up. "Percy?" she said, I still didn't come up. She rushed over to where I was under the water and pulled me out. I had covered my head in seaweed and stuffed some in my ears. She blinked... then busted out laughing. "Hahaha! You... haha... Seaweed Brain!" she said through tears.

"Well isn't this cute?" a gruff voice said from the shore. The Pirate who told Annabeth about the Air Nomads and the sketchy crew stood on the shore, between the lake and Appa. A few pirates were looking over the sleeping earth buffalo like they could earn some good money from him. "I started to think, after you two...lovebirds, left my shop. "How could she have gotten Air Nomad money?" I said to myself. And I started thinking about the way she looked when you interrupted her, and told a story. She looked...confused to say the least. And... I started to think, "why would she be confused if they had the same story?" I said to myself again. Then, I said to myself, "Because they be lying." I said to myself, "My self... you just might be the smartestest...most handsomest pirate ever to be a pirate." You hear what myselfs are saying?'"

"Not really... I said myself," I said. I looked to Annabeth who look confused too. "Yeah, we have no clue what all the voices in your head said. But we got the money with legitimate trade, and if you continue to slander us, I will sue you all for defecation." I said. "I watch Suits." I smirked to Annabeth, who looked very confused.

"I think you really do have seaweed for brains..." Annabeth said.

"I said to myself—"

"Yes, you talk to yourself, it's been established," I said. "Just use one of the voices in your head to speak to us from now on. All of you are confusing."

"Alright..." the pirate said. "She's and Airbender, and the Avatar." The pirate shrugged. "That's what I came up with. And now I'm going to kidnap you and sell you to the Fire Nation. Is that clear enough for you!?" the pirate snarled.

"So what you're saying. Is that Annabeth here," I pointed to Annabeth. "Is the Avatar?" I started laughing. "She's just a waterbender who likes orange! I know you guys spend all your time on a ship, but come on. There must be time for you to crack open a book. I mean, she's clearly a Watertribe girl!" I looked to Annabeth.

Lightly tanned skin, grey eyes, and blonde curly hair.

"Yeah... Water Nation through and through," I said. "Do some water magic Wise Girl."

Annabeth looked at me, then shrugged. She waved her arms around and a wave appear in the calm lake. The pirate looked at us, then his crew. "I'm tired of this... get them."

I grabbed the scrolls and walked backwards, deeper into the lake with Annabeth. She was about to pounce, but I held her arm. "Hang on, just a little closer..." I said. Just as most of the pirate crew entered the water, I did quick hand movements and the water infront of me froze all the way to the shore in an instant. Freezing the crew inside, from waist deeps to ankle deep. "Holy shit I did it!" 

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