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Alec was in the training room aggressively beating a punching bag, so hard that it came off its hinges and fell to the floor.

"Alec, are you okay?" Clary asked him. His body covered in sweat from his workout.

"Pretty bold of you to show your face here."

"I can explain."

"Unless your explanation can bring my wife or Jace back, save it." Alec snapped at Clary as he hung up a new bag and began punching once again.

"Alec, Jace is my brother, too. And Siennas my cousin."

"You barely know them. I grew up with Jace, I fought by his side. He's my brother. He's my best friend. And, Sienna- I-I can't imagine my life without her. I need her to function, I loose my mind without her by my side." Alec fumed at the red head.

"Alec..." Clary went to grab his arm but he pulled back, moving away from the girl. "I want them back as much as you do. I... I'm not my mother."

"How well do I even know you?" Alec questioned. "I mean, you show up out of nowhere, you convince my brother, you convince me to search for your mother. And the next thing I know, Jace and my Wife are gone. Your mother is the one trying to kill Jace." Alec breathed out.

"I had nothing to do with that, Alec. I would never hurt Jace or Sienna."

"Since you've arrived, you've caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost de-runed. We all put our lives on the line multiple times for your sake. And now Valentine has my parabatai. My wife is most likely fighting for her life and reliving one of the most traumatic things to happen to her. And it's all because of you." Alec expressed his pain, taking it all out on Clary.

"Alec." Isabelle said gently as she walked into the room.

"I'm sorry." Clary's voice broke.

"Alec, this isn't her fault." Isabelle argued against her brother.

"When are you gonna realise you don't belong here?" Alec asked sharply. "You never have." he uttered before storming off ignoring Izzy calling out his name.


"There's a clearl pattern. Young, strong, highly-skilled fighters, all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms. Valentine must've realised that even with the Cup, creating Shadowhunters isn't easy. He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion. Your job is to stake out the potential targets, and catch the Circle members when they try to abduct them. We capture a Circle member, we have a shot at Valentine. You have your orders. Dismissed." Scarlett's voice echoed through the institute as she instructed the Shadowhunters.

"Scarlett." Clary shouted, gaining her attention. "Scarlett, please. You need all hands on deck. Let me help."

"Absolutely not." Victor Aldertree dismissed the thought. "Your lack of training is a liability. Besides, you're too close to this."

"And Scarlett isn't? Last I checked it was her sister that was taken." Clary argued but Scareltt grabbed hold of her arm.

"I suggest that you keep your mouth shut." Scareltt threatened. "Excuse me." Scarlett excused her self as she followed Victor.

"Nice to see how well you had things under control there."

"Stop making this personal." Scarlett said annoyed at the man who was going to replace her.

"Clary is right, you and the Lightwoods are too close to this. With your sister and Jace out there, it clouds your judgment."

"Izzy and Alec are the best we've got. They stay in. And my judgment is perfect fine." Scarlett argued before walking away from Aldertree.


"He said the best fighters in the City come here." Alec informed his younger sister as they walked through the back entrance of the boxing ring.

"It's only a matter of time before Valentine hits this place." Izzy said as they watched the fighting. "You got some moves."

"How about I take you home and show you some of the moves, up close and personal?" The fighter flirted with Izzy.

"That's funny. You really think you have a chance with her?"

"Who are you?" The man asked, glaring at Alec.

"I'm the guy who's gonna put you down if you don't shut your mouth. And i've got a lot of built up anger I need to release." Alec threatened.

"Why don't you try it pretty boy?" The man urged and Alec stepped forwards but Isabelle put her hand on his chest to stop him.

"I got this, big brother." Izzy said shoving him slightly backwards. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"I don't fight girls, especially hot ones."

"Then I guess it's gonna be really one-sided." Isabelle smirked and kicked him in the balls, making him drop to his knees. She then kicked him round the head twice before he fell to the floor. "Still want to take me home?" Izzy smiled as she put her healed boot against his neck.


Isabelle used a glamour to appear like the man she had beaten up, who was currently unconscious in a cupboard out of sight. A circle member ran up to Isabelle as the light flickers, Alec was quicker and grabbed hold of the man and threw him against some lockers. Isabelle transformed back into her usually self, walking over to the man.

"Tell us where Valentine is." Isabelle demanded as she used her whip to disarm the circle member.

"Where is he?!" Alec shouted, pointing his sword at the man's face. But the circle member pulled a knife from his pocket, pulling it up to his own neck and slicing it. Blood trickled down from his neck as he bled to death.

"No!" Alec shouted.

"We'll find others."

"Circle member took an oath. They're just going to keep slitting their throats every time we get close. I'm never going to see her again." Alec broke down. "I miss her."

"I know, me too." Isabelle wrapped her arms around her brother as he cried, a few tears falling down her face as well. The Lightwood siblings just wanted their family back.

—— —— ——

Sorry for the really boring chapter. I'm tired and have a lot going on.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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