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Roman rolled us over to avoid the bullet coming our way. He pushed me off of him and I fell onto the ground. I would be mad at him, but he's currently trying to save my life.

He pulled out a knife and threw it at the attacker, but they were able to avoid it. I didn't even know that he had weapons on him, but it's a good thing he did. I didn't know what to do. My instinct was to run but I couldn't just leave him here. I wanted to help.

I rose from the ground while Roman was currently fighting the attacker. Because they were both too busy to notice my presence, I decided to look for a weapon or something that could be useful.

I opened to the closet and saw a baseball bat. Good thing Roman is friends with jocks. I grabbed the baseball bat and walked around them so I was behind the man. I was waiting for a good moment to strike because I was afraid that I would accidentally hit Roman.

The masked man threw a punch towards Roman's face, but he was able to dodge the attack. Since he backed up to avoid the punch, I knew it was my chance. I raised the bat and swung it as hard as I could at the man's head. It connected with his skull with a thunk sound and he dropped to the ground holding his scalp. I thought the force of the bat would have knocked him out, but I guess I didn't swing it hard enough.

Roman rushed over to where I was standing and grabbed the bat from my hands. He swung at the man again, this time effectively knocking him out. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do. How were we going to explain this to people? What if the cops are called? What if-

"Hey! Stop doing that thing where you think too much about everything. Let's go!," Roman said while grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the unconscious bloody figure on the floor.

I felt like I was going to be sick as we ran through the house to get to the car. Blood was never my strong suit.

I tried to clear my thoughts of the blood and continued to run out of the house. When we made it to the car, I scrambled into the passengers seat while Roman jumped into the drivers and sped off. Nobody seemed to notice us hurrying away from the party because they were either too drunk or high.

Silence consumed the car as we barreled down the street. I looked over at Roman. I could see the tension in his face as his brows were furrowed and his eyes hardened. I knew the situation was bad, but I never thought that I would be caught in the middle of the fight. The thought of going through this again was horrifying. I didn't even want to think about how Roman has been living like this for a while.

I turned my head to stare out the window. I wanted to just turn off my brain. Thoughts were swirling through my head at a mile per minute. I tried to focus on the slightly melted snow on the side of the road to empty them, but it wasn't working.

"What happens now?", I asked quietly. 

Roman glanced at me briefly before focusing his attention on the quiet street that laid before us. "I'm taking you home, and you're going to go to sleep and forget about what you saw."

I looked at him like he was idiot, which he was. "How am I supposed to forget that! Someone just attacked us, and you could have been injured or killed! And you just want me to forget!", I yelled.

"Yes. That's exactly what you are going to do because the less you know the better. They've seen your face so they might come after you now. If you don't know anything, they might back off.", he said.

I sighed and turned to look at the snow once more. It reminded me of when I was a kid where Roman and I would run through the fields playing without a care in the world. It's funny how your whole like can change in a matter of minutes.

Silence filled the car once again as we had nothing to say to one another. I knew I shouldn't argue with him because he's only looking out for my safety, but how does he expect me to act like I don't know anything. I've seen too much death and brutality to carry on normally.

I leaned back into the seat and rested my head on the head rest. I closed my eyes and tried to absorb the warmth that was emitting from the vents. The warmth spread over my body in a blanket of heat, but there was still a chill in the air. A chill that was persistent and wouldn't go away easily. I shivered despite the comfortable temperature in the car. 

I opened my eyes and looked over to my best friend who was still concentrating on the road. We were getting closer to my house, but I could tell that he was still on edge. I was thinking of trying to comfort him some how, but I knew no matter what I said would do little to calm his mind. Despite myself, I still was going to try. However, I would not get the chance as my head snapped forward and almost hit the dash from a sudden impact.

"What the hell!", Roman said as he tried to center himself despite the brute force that attacked the car.

I looked in the mirror and saw some people get out of the car that hit us from behind. They were holding guns and slowly approaching our vehicle. 

"Roman drive!", I yelled.

"What?", he asked still dazed from the accident.

The men were inching closer to us by the second and we didn't have any time to spare. Roman wasn't in the best shape to get us out of here. I was beginning to panic. I looked through the mirror one more time, and saw how close they were. I knew I had to do something.

I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed over the center console. I sat in Roman's lap and slammed my foot on the gas. As we took off, the men started to fire bullets at the car. The windows were shattering as the bullets made contact with them. I tried to get as low as I could, but it was hard with Roman underneath me. 

As I put some distance between us and them, they stopped shooting and returned to their car to chase after us. I was starting to panic more because I literally had to clue as to what I was doing.

"Roman! Are you okay?", I yelled while the cold wind traveled through the broken windows and sank into my skin.

He grabbed my waist and lifted my slightly off of him so he could climb into the passengers seat. Once we traded places, he reached into the back of the car and grabbed a duffle bag that was laying in the floorboard.

"Yeah I'm okay. I was just dizzy for a second. Oli, I need you to keep driving, okay? Don't stop no matter what.", he said.

He unzipped the bag that he had grabbed, and started to pull out a variety of different guns and started to load them.

"What are you going to do?", I asked.

"Just keep driving, don't stop."

And with that, he rolled down the window and climbed out of it with a gun in his hand. 

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