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Waking up and covered in sweat in the middle of the night, she crawls on the floor, and her heart begins to race. Rocking back and forth with the loud ringing in her, she then puts ear plugs in both of her ears and covers her head with a pillow. Laying on her stomach, and being frozen on the floor, negative thoughts run through her mind, as she wonders if the stress will ever end.

Taking her purple blanket and wrapping it around her body, she strolls out to her car and climbs in the back seat. With her blood shot eyes, she looks at her estranged house with sadness, and she sits there. and cries. Rocking back and forth, kicks in stronger, and the right side of her brain disappears, as Geo's energy hits on her face.

As she yawns and falls asleep, she wakes up hours later with her legs jerking her awake. With the sun rising through the windshield, and her neck is sore. Crawling out of the car with the purple blanket draped over her shoulders, she goes into the house and lays on the couch and tries to sleep.

Completely exhausted with the lack of sleep, she sits on the floor and tosses and turns while she watches television, while doing a crossword puzzle. Feeling his energy sitting inside of hers, she then watches his 2nd self-push top part of his body stick out as it comes from inside of her. Sensing her body rejecting him, the pressure sits on her shins, legs, while her neck throb as she watches his energy slowly dissipate. Sitting in complete shock, she says under her breath, "Is his energy ever going to leave."

With her left-hand shaking and with her body feeling tight she has a hard time moving her muscles, and her heart begins to race. Turning on the music and keeping this feeling a bay, she has a hard time functioning. With her thoughts are out of control and being scared because she's not herself anymore, she wonders what her impulsive instincts will do. Not wanting to be in her home, she drives to the gas station and sits in the empty parking on the hood of her car for an hour and a half. Staring straight up at the sky, she stares at the stars, and wishes for the stress to end.

Within moments she begins to see things that aren't even there, and she says under her breath, "WTF..Is that?"

Getting in the car and driving home, she sits in her driveway, and sits in the passenger seat of her cat. With the door latched open, she watches purple blobs float around the car while the translucent small fire bushes burn that are scattered around her yard, as palm trees sways in the air. With the colored trees swaying in the air and the telephone line cords radiant around her, she wonders what the f@&k is happening, and she senses that she's in a different reality from her stress.

"What are you doing, Luna," Kyle says, as he walks out of the house.

"Nothing. I'm just sitting here," she says.

"Well. It's 8am. Why don't you go inside and try to sleep. I'm going to work."

"Ok," she says, as she walks into the house.

As she stares at the kitchen, she then walks up the stairs and into the bathroom. Being left all alone, she turns on the water and sits on the edge of the tub and waits to tub to get full. Within moments she hears a noise in the walls. As she turns the water off, she puts her left ear up to the wall and listens. With the noise dissipating, she turns the water back on and hear noise and someone scampering coming from the walls once again. Ignoring with what's going on around her, she climbs in the tub and looks for solace.

Staying in the water for only a few moments, she then dries off and lays on the couch while the confusion overloads her brain. Trying to move her left hand, it starts to shake violently, and she gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen. Swaying back and forth, she leans on the kitchen table to regain her balance with the ringing hitting her ears.

Only having a few hours of sleep, she strolls out into the kitchen, and looks out the window.

Watching him walk out the door, she becomes angry, and she turns on the radio. Rearranging the living room furniture to keep her thoughts from running wild, she wonders about Kyle.


Thanks For Reading!
J. Sweet


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