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It's morning again and the start of a new day I yawn as I wake up and it's time for school unfortunately for me😂 my dad has always been big on me on the importance of getting an education and hence his insistence on me learning English because of that am quiet fluent in English... He always believe that one day it ll come handy and when I go abroad I ll be able to communicate with other people because normally English is universal...so well I take my English classes seriously because most times my dad will only communicate to me in English inorder to improve my vocabulary and fluency in the language....when I was younger I didn't like it very much because it seemed tiring but right now at this age I feel quite okay and it has become like a normal routine to speak in English with him am so used to it now that I sometimes just switch between languages when communicating that's my weakness but mum says it's fine since am still a growing child🤭 honestly I don't know if I truly believe those words because it seems unlikely that this habit of mine will change anyways we will see how it goes in the future.
Nonetheless, waiting has not been one of my most good characteristics.... sometimes I may get impatient with it it but recently it has not helped that it's been completely radio silence since the audition happened and I since haven't heard anything from YG and am thinking maybe they rejected me which honestly makes me feel so sad because I practiced really hard for that audition to go smoothly and I feel I nailed it. By the way bam was accepted and he has gone to Korea to start his training when he informed me I was happy for him and wished him all the best because this was only the starting point it can only get bigger and stronger from now on. I reach home to find my parents at home in the lounge area looking happy and anxious at the same time they tell me to refreshen up and join them for supper...I go in do my routine and come back , as we start eating the table has this uncomfortable silence as if they want to tell me something but are holding back....when we are done my mum just utters "you have been accepted" am like huh! You have been accepted to train under yg to become an idol she says.

Am so shocked I don't know what to say I just start jumping and screaming excitedly while kissing my parents....when am done now comes the extremely important decisions... traveling to a foreign country without my parents and learning to be a responsible adult who can manage her own finances without the help of my mother something I have never done before and it sounds every scary and am ready for a new beginning a new step in my life that is bound to disrupt the peace in my life and introduce me to a whole new perspective of the world....my dad looks visibly worried but he is all in me following my dreams we talked about this after auditions..now all that is left is to withdraw from school and pack to prepare for the journey...one of the things that is motivating me to do better in Korea is my withdrawal from school, I can't just withdraw then go and come back without anything that would be embarrassing for me which is why I have to excel in this field or path I have followed most importantly I can't let my parents down even if they will never show it. I want them to look at me me one day and say that successful artist on stage is my daughter proudly.

In the following days I go with my parents follow me to school to withdraw and tell my teachers the whole story.my dance crew wezacool my dancing, singing partners and teachers in the academy all wish me goodluck it's an emotional goodbye for me because I know it ll be a while before we meet again knowing am going to a new place without familiar faces makes my eyes turn red involuntary...I say goodbye to my family as they organise a goodbye dinner for me. My grandparents are also worried if I ll be able to manage living alone as am still a minor and very young...coupled with the fact that am an only child I have always been pampered by my parents and family members am like the baby of the group lol it's a bittersweet moment as it can be felt on the table.
It's finally here the day I leave Thailand and the I day I pray and wish for success when I come back here. Am going with my parents but they are going to leave me there they just can't stomach the thought of me going alone after all am their only baby.we leave Thailand as the plane takes off it's a bittersweet moment for me as I know that this is new beginning and I can only hope things get better from now on...I called bam and he was very happy for me he told me to give him a call when am in Korea obviously I ll call him he is technically the only person I know in this country after all. After 7 hours we reach Korea and and the yg building my parents to the management and sign my safety contracts as am still a minor my parents bid goodbye and am taken to the dormitory to freshen up and then to the training room am so nervous because of the many pretty faces and because I can't speak Korean am feeling very shy to interact with the new trainees right now...they have been informed by the CEO to speak Korean to me in order to improve my Korean quickly and none can speak English except Jennie whom I hear is very popular in here because of her skills.....so I speak English to her God help me adjust quickly 😅


we are back again lol anyways I have now graduated with honors and now it's time for me to enter the military honestly am Abit nervous and I don't know if I can manage but when have I have ever shrinked from my responsibility since I pledged to do this then I must fulfil it until the end.. I hear sometimes the food is very bad you can just decide to sleep hungry but who knows unless I experience it for myself I will never be completely sure and it will just remain as speculations. Anyways my parents and siblings attended my graduation ceremony and they were looking extremely proud of me...the looks on their faces was priceless and makes me happy to have them as my family and I ll keep striving to become a better person and better version of my self every single day...the smiles on the faces of my loved ones makes me extremely proud of my self and the person am becoming and it's all due to their love and support..having a great support system is always great and becomes a great source of motivation in your everyday life... because it keeps one in check and knowing their are people always having your back is a great feeling.

Going into the military I did not know what to expect except the horror stories I have heard about the training camps if am to take gossips into consideration which am not because seriously that can just ruin ones mood and morale... My family driver took me to the training site saying goodbye to the family was easy but inside it hurt because they know a military camp is very dangerous and anything can happen but when a child growing you have to let them spread their wings and fly only then can they learn. When I reached there it was almost sunset and everyone was either there or just from arriving...we started getting acquitted with each other because we knew that this was going to one hell of a ride and we could hear the seniors joking that " if these kids know what is good for them they will start running back from wherever they came from" honestly that was a little scary because these are people that will be in charge of training us but if they are talking like this this is not looking funny and it is clearly living a hard life here. Anyways we are already here and have entered the camp already there is nothing like going back anymore from today onwards we just have to strive to survive this mental reshaping we are about to go through.


Life in the military is not easy, in the time that I have been here so far has shown me that no profession is easy we just have to make due of it and make the best out of it. It has also helped me understand the the history of war in our country while having respect for all the defense service units in the country because it is not easy waking up every morning with the weight of protecting the whole coumtry on your shoulders...just the thought of doing this everyday makes me respect them even more...apart from the downside the place has also impacted more knowledge that I don't think I would have been able to attain if I didn't come here...the solidarity that comes with training with your fellow citizens is unmatched but motivation to keep moving forward when we are grouped in teams working together for a greater good or a better goal is truly commendable and am happy I get to do this even if it's just once in my life time....I can never exchange this experience for anything in the I have learned so much. I remember when we went in the wild and someone got lost the power of working together and making sure we were all in good conditions for this challenge was a chefs kiss....I do miss home, the home cooked meals, the baters with my siblings and all that...but I know this is what I have to accomplish currently and I have a chance and speak to them on phone their motivational cheers always cracks me up this kind of feeling I want to keep for the rest of my life.

It's done finally I feel emotional....alot of emotions are going through me currently and am just trying to process them one at a time. I can't believe am finally done it's over I feel happy no more hard physical training I feel sad because separating and leaving all the amazing friends I have made I know you ll say but there is a phone but it's not the same, things will never be the same again...my friend and I just sold the technology company to a bank to focus on bigger things my pass out was happening and it's a rollercoaster am happy to have experienced this military training life and been able to wear this uniform is an honour for me it makes me feel more connected to the heroes who have once been here standing in my position. It has surely changed my perspective on how things happen the difficulties these people face everyday....life is funny never believe you have it tougher than the person next to you because you might not know that you are even better than them....on my way home I can't help but think about how my life in going to change as I officially enter the corporate world.


We end here for now

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