Chapter 24: Lucky Ones

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• Alex's POV •

I took a seat in the farthest corner of the food court so if anyone happened to show up they wouldn't see me. I didn't tweet that I'd be at the mall simply because I didn't want my betcherina's to see me like this. I don't want them to have their only memory of meeting me, as me being a mess.

I need to text her, I know she won't answer my call.

Me: what happened? why are you upset?

She replied instantly.

Sageroni 😘: nothin. i have to finish shopping i'll ttyl.

I didn't even bother texting her back. I could tell she didn't want to talk. I don't know what happened but her not telling me won't help it. I know she doesn't want me to fight her battles for her, but I could at least be there for her, yet she doesn't want that? I don't know what to do here.

I put in my earbuds and began to listen to Lana to get my mind off of things and just walk around the top level of the mall.

Let's get out of this town, baby we're on fire
Everyone around here seems to be going down, down, down
If you stick with me, I can take you higher, and higher
It feels like all of our friends are lost
Nobody's found, found, found

I got so scared, I thought no one could save me
You came along, scooped me up like a baby

Every now and then the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?
Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time
Boy get into my car, got a bad desire
You know we'll never leave if we don't get out now, now, now
You're a careless con and you're a crazy liar
But baby
Nobody can compare to the way you get down, down, down

I tried so hard to act nice like a lady
You taught me me that it was good to be crazy

Every now and then the stars align
Bot and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?
Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time

Feels like, feels like, you know it feels like
Falling in love for the first time
Feels like, you know it feels like
Falling in love
Every now and then the stars align
Bot and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?
Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time

After multiple songs, and various laps around the top level of the mall I decided to go back home because when I checked my phone it was six and my charge was at around 35%.

My hour drive home was a boring one, so I decided to update my snapchat since I hadn't posted all day.

"Okay so I just left the mall."
"And I walked so much and listened"
"To the bible the whole time."
"Just to clarify I meant Lana"
"Shit this dude just cut me off"
"I hope everyone is doing good"
"I'm gonna stop before I die"

I decided to put the phone away after that last one. It wasn't no four hundred second snapchat story but whatever.

Within the next fifteen minutes I arrived back home and the door was locked so I figured Sage wasn't back home from whatever the hell she meant by "errands".

The house was the exact way it was when I left. I looked in the kitchen and the dishes had been washed so maybe Sage was home she was just asleep or something.

I went into the bedroom and the mess from yesterday was cleaned up, there was absolutely no glass.

I started to panic so I ran into the bathroom and Sage wasn't in there dead or unconscious, so I could take a breath.

I went into the guest room which Sage had put all of her belongings, but they were all gone.

I saw on the neatly folded bed a note and her spare key.

Dearest Alex,
I first wanted to say I am beyond blessed to have you come into my life, and I am the lucky one in the relationship. Now, I am beyond sorry that this is how I had to leave. I couldn't tell you because I knew you'd end up convincing me to stay, which I can't do. I baught you a few things like snacks and stuff so I wouldn't feel like I was totally lying to you all day. But most of the errands I ran today was me buying a plane ticket to Arkansas. I called my mother who had messaged me via Facebook saying she moved out and if I needed to I could move in with her. It was a complete coincidence, but I accepted. I had already planned to leave this morning when I woke up early. While I was sitting in the car outside the airport trying to figure out where I'd buy a plane ticket for I got the message. Most likely by the time you are reading this I will be gone. Please do not bother finding me, because I do not wish to be found. Don't bother trying to contact me either, I have blocked you on all social media and have changed my phone number. I'm so sorry Alex. And I do love you, please don't think I never did, because dammit I did. And that's exactly why I'm leaving before I do more damage. I cannot bring you down farther than I already have. I've turned your whole life upside down, and not in a good way. Goodbye. I hope you have a grand life, because you deserve it so much.

All The Love,


Hello everyone, so this is the end of Anything But Beautiful, and at this point I am not for sure if I wish to write a sequel or not.

I cannot believe at how far I've came when writing this. I know this isn't the ending most want, but it's realistic, I feel like.

I hope you've enjoyed this. I never thought I'd be ending this book when I started scribbling down ideas in class on a blank piece of paper. I never thought this story would amount to anything. Just, thank you everyone who's became a fan/voted/commented. I love every single one of you.

-Hope Ashtyn


twitter / ig / vine / snapchat: are all @ sorryimhope

8tracks: @ ewhope


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