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I don't wanna rush into anything so this will start off slow and pick up in later chapters. pls bare with me 😭😭


it was monday afternoon, one period to go before school was over. "I'm already over this shit." ryan said to his friend in the desk over. he hadn't been too fond of coming to school since his girlfriend moved to a different one, causing them to only see each other when they were out and not busy with extracurriculars. they had been dating since their sophomore year of high school, both were now seniors. ryan was convinced cassidy was the girl he would marry.

just then, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. he looked up at the teacher, ms. grande, who was writing something on the projector and explaining the assignment she had just assigned as he pulled it out to unlock it.


cas💍: I miss you baby

ryan: I miss you too 🥺

cas💍: just a few more minutes til school is out then we can hang out 🥰


ryan was typing excitedly as he felt a presence coming up next to him. he looked up from his phone to see his teacher, a short woman wearing white converse, with ripped boyfriend cut jeans, and simple white shirt with a cardigan standing beside him.

"you know you're not allowed on your phone during class ryan." she says, with a stern look on her face, the class turning their attention toward them in the middle of the room.

"yeah, i was texting my mom." ryan lied.

she looked at him, knowing he was lying. she let out a slight chuckle as she walked away. "just keep in away, we have like 10 minutes dude."

he put his phone away, zoning out until the bell rang. as soon as he heard it, he got up to pack his things and put them away while heading toward the door.

"ryan, wait a second!" the teacher waves him over to come to her desk.

he sighs as he makes his way to her desk, sitting in the chair directly in front of her.

"how have you been doing?" she asks while opening her laptop clearly searching for something.

"I'm fine." he mumbles under his breath.

"I'm happy to hear that. well, I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I noticed that you aren't really doing as well as I think you can. this is your second year in my class, I know you're a smart guy. what's going on?" she says, looking at him with a concerning, yet serious look.

"nothing. just over it, wanna graduate." his answer was short, much like his patience.

"at the pace you're going, you won't be graduating. this is really serious, if you keep failing these classes you'll be forced to take all them again next year. then you'll be stuck in SF forever." she flips her laptop around showing him.

"I know what my grades look like, can I leave now?" he snapped, wanting to leave to see since he hadnt seen his girlfriend in three weeks.

she ignores his rudeness with a simple disregard of the comment. "well before you do, I want to come up with a plan for you to catch up and get back on track. as for your other classes, I can collaborate a plan with those teachers. as for this class, I'm requiring to come to after school tutoring at least twice a week."

ryan smacks his lips. "sorry but I don't need it. I can do the work bro."

"I'm not giving you an option. not coming to after school tutoring will count against your grade, being there will count for it. you've been going on for weeks this way and I refuse to let one of my students fail. if you don't get it together now, it will affect your transcript. so we'll start next week." she says, moving to sit on her desk.

"what the fuc-" ryan was cut off by the woman.

"language." she said, standing to her feet. "we will start next week, tutoring is Monday and Friday every single week and I expect to see you there."

"Friday?!?!" ryan thought to himself. he rolls his eyes and stands up, picking up his back pack placing it on one shoulder. "whatever" he muttered as he walked away checking his phone. seeing dozens of messages from his girlfriend.


cass💍: are you on your way now?

cass💍: ryan my loveeee

cass💍: ok ur really freaking me out

ryan: sorry, ms grande needed to see me, I'm on my way now.


He makes his way to his car parked in student parking at the back of the school. he fishes out his keys from the front pocket of his backpack and unlocks it.

he started the car as he thinks about the way his freedom is about to be ripped away from him for the rest of the school year. pretty soon his thoughts consumed him until he realized he was outside of his girlfriend's house. he gets out, shooting Cassidy a text.


ryan: here babe


as he looked up, he saw a slightly short blonde headed woman running up to him and wrapping her arms around him. his hands falling onto her waist and her head nuzzled into his neck. "my beautiful baby girl" he says, picking her up off her feet and swinging her around.

"ryan." she says smiling and meeting his face for a kiss. "I missed your handsome ass."

ryan plants a kiss on her lips as he smiles. "I missed you too princess."

she blushes as he puts her back onto the ground, iniviting him into her house.

"so what did ms grande want with you?" cassidy asks as she pulls him up the stairs to her room.

ryan sighs. "she just wanted to know if I could tutor some kids who weren't doing so well in her class. she said I was one of her best students and it could be really good for my resume. you know for college and stuff." ryan lies, not wanting his girlfriend to find out he was at risk of not graduating.

"that's so good babe. I knew you were a genius, you're too modest." she says, placing a lip on his lips moving to his lap, straddling his waist.

he leans into the kiss, intensifying it and tightly gripping onto her waist. he only pulled away to look her in the eyes. "I've missed you." he says in a low voice, placing his lips back onto hers as she grips his hair in her hand.

"I missed you too, daddy." she says, moaning softly on his lips.


lol say something if u read this

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