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ryan's pov

I woke up in cassidy's bed around 1pm. "what the fuck? how did I end up here? in pajamas? I have no recollection of what happened last night. fuck, why am I so sore?" i check my phone to see that I had a message from someone.

ariana🤍: ryan, let's meet at Pete's coffee at 3? we need to talk about last night.

ryan: last night? there's a last night?

ariana🤍: you don't remember?

ryan: not at all. I woke up a bit sore.

ariana🤍: okay well, meet me. I can tell you what I know.


before shutting off my phone I shoot a few messages to Joshua, Dashon, Jayden, and Brayden, hoping they would know something about it. "It's 1:30 so I should get ready." I think to myself. I put my phone on the night stand as I get up, I stop over by the window peaking down by the garage to see if Cassidy's car was there and it wasn't.


I hop in the shower, noticing different little cuts and bruises around my body that weren't there before. "what the fuck happened last night?" I think to myself before stepping in to take a quick shower. I finish quickly and put on my clothes. I wear a pair of jeans and a white shirt with the word "Vans" on it. I put on a pair of socks before sitting on my bed to check my phone. there was one Pete's coffee near us and it was even near. it was about 30 minutes away. it's 2:20 so I put on my shoes and get in the car. I arrived at 3:03 because traffic was slammed. I walk up to the door and before I open the door, I see the woman sitting at a table by herself, clearly nervous. "was it that bad?" I thought to myself before walking in.

I walk in and stand in front of her. "ms grande!! hey. what's going on?"

she looks at me and grins slightly. "it's ari but please, sit down." she says gesturing ag the chair.

"yes, ari. but um yeah sure." I sit down. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon and especially not on this note." I chuckled.


Ariana's (ms. grande) pov

Last night I was laying in bed. I was up watching a show, not sure which one because I was stuck in my thoughts. "Wow, I'm really going to miss having ryan as a student. I can't believe I actually made friend with a student of mine. "

Just then I hear a vibration coming from my phone.

"It's.....Ryan? it's 3am." I question myself as I pick up my phone to look at the contact. Sure enough his face pops up on my screen.

Sometimes when he would finish his work we'd sit there do goofy things together, like take pictures with silly filters and that's what I made his contact picture into, a goofy picture of him with a dog filter.

I answer, confused. "hello? ryan why are you calling me at this hour?"

I heard the chatter of the party from the other end but then the line went completely silent except for the thumping of music through the walls.

ryan speaks finally. "miss miss miss grande. or should I say Ariana?"

I sit confused. "ryan, are you drunk? it sounds like you're drunk."

"you caught me, Ariana. just like you caught me when I would stare at you in your in class, your big beautiful eyes, your perfect nose and lips. the way when you smile, you form a dimple on only the left side of your face." he slurs, barely making sense. "you my best friend honestly. I stopped fucking with all my niggas for tutoring even when I didn't need that shit no more."

I blush at the things he says but only for a second when I remind myself he's drunk.

"ryan, you're really drunk right now. who's gonna take you home?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna miss that floral vanilla scent of yours every single day." he blurts out, again barely making sense.

he's talking about my perfume, my favorite perfume. I smelled it once and fell in love, I guess I made it my signature.

"are you alone? where are your friends?" I ask, becoming concerned

"I'm at Joshua's house. he's throwing a fucki- oh shit sorry. language." he emphasises the world language like I usually do. I let out a small giggle.

"oh my God that fucking laugh. I wish I could see your beautiful face right now." he sighs into the phone.

"ryan, where are you? I'm gonna come take you home before you do something more stupid." I get up from my bed throwing on more appropriate clothes to crash a party.

"I think you just want to see me." he laughs as he drunkly texts me the address. "I can't wait to see you princess." my heart slightly fluttered as I turned off my phone going to get him.

"that was weird." I say to myself.

I pull up to the address he sends, a bunch of underage people with beer and a shit ton of alcohol. I got out of my car and walked inside, looking for Joshua. a bunch of students turned pale in their faces when they saw me. "don't worry, you go ahead and get shit faced I'm not here for any of you." they laugh and continue their fun as I walk away.

I spot the twins and ask if they'd seen Ryan anywhere.

"ms grande? you want a shot?" Brayden asks with a big grin on his face, clearly drunk.

"don't play. where is Ryan?" I said giving them a stern look.

"well shit he's upstairs. he said he was going to call some gi-" realization settles over Brayden's face. "holy SHIT he called you. oh my God. I'm so-"

you cut him off, "it's okay. I'm going to take him home before he does anything crazy."

"it's too late for that." Jayden chuckles but Ariana ignores it, more concerned about finding Ryan.

I open a few doors to find people making out and doing much weirder things but i finally stumbled into the room where Ryan is.

"ryan." i called out softly. i walk over sitting at the head of the bed where he is laying, slightly out of it but not asleep. I leaned down once more and whisper close to his ear "Ryan, look at me."

he turns around and look at her. "are you real or are you an angel?"

she smiles and stands up. "come on let's get you home."

ryan stands up as best as he can, hovering over Ariana. he started talking again, more slurred than he was when he had called.

"I remember you made me do that tutoring shit and I was so pissed. I thought I didn't like you, I thought you were a nag and you proved me wrong." he says look down into your eyes.

"well, I had a goal in mind. we both had a goal. I just didn't expect it to lead you drunk calling me." i tried to pull him to the door. he grabs my hand, pulling me into him.

"well I have more goals too." just then he puts his hands around your face to pull you in for a kiss.


idk whats happening idk idk

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