twenty five

12 0 2

2 years later

ryan's pov

"babe!" i yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"dude, voice down. i finally got RJ down to take a nap. you better not wake him up." cassidy whispers as she walks down the stairs.

"a nap? cass it's too late for a nap, he's gonna be up all night." i turn to completely look at her.

"it's not that serious. calm down baby, what are you cooking?" she comes closer to me.

"no, it is that serious. i have work in the morning and i don't wanna have to be taking care of him all night because of you." i turn off the stove where i was previously finishing the dish i had made. "it's time for him to eat dude come on now."

"he didn't nap earlier and he was so tired. he was just falling asleep so i let him. like fuck why are you so mad?" she starts to raise her voice.

"we talked about this. if he doesn't nap before 4:30, he stays awake until it's time for him to go bed. it's 6. SIX O'CLOCK. so when you're fast asleep, he's gonna be up asking me to feed him and give him his uyu." at this point, i am heated.

"ryan, he was tired. he was falling asleep. i was just supposed to keep him up?" she asks.

"yes cassidy. you were supposed to keep him up, you're not the one who has to wake him up in the morning, although it would be fucking nice to sleep in sometime. i'm doing all the heavy lifting here. this shit you think is little, is much bigger. you ever heard of a bigger picture? because it doesn't seem like you have." i turned back around and put all the food on the table.

"i'm trying okay? i am. this shit is hard." she sits down at the dining table.

everyone is probably confused so, i'll explain.

*flashback 1.5 years ago*

i had woken up from my coma 5 weeks ago. things with ariana were better than ever, we made our relationship public. changed our facebook status, she made me a highlight on instagram, everything was going great. well.. i thought it was.

ariana had already lived with me but she never really moved in. we changed that a few months after i had woken up.

the day things went down were insane. that morning, we had an argument. this was unusual for ariana, she was usually good with communicating her feelings to me. i woke up to a loud banging in the kitchen.

"what happened?" i jumped out of bed and ran to her.

"nothing." she says in a brisk and cold tone.

"are you sure, my love?" i ask, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"yes i'm fucking sure." she elbows me away from her as she washes the dishes.

"woah. you need to tell me what's going on with you." i turn off the water in front of her and turn her around to face me.

"have you been seeing cassidy?" she crosses her arms and leans on the sink.

"yes." i put my head down.

"well oh my gosh, look at mr. honesty. what the fuck ryan? i thought we discussed this. you told me you weren't gonna see her anymore. you're such a fucking liar." she pushes me away and storms off.

"i know. i know but she's having my baby. i can't just leave her to alone like that. everything has been about the baby and nothing else. i promise you. i love you ari. i just don't wanna be a deadbeat dad." i run after her, grabbing onto her arm.

"don't fucking touch me ryan. i told you- i fucking told you." she walks to the door, grabbing her keys to leave.

i didn't stop her. i let her walk away, figuring she needed space. i never wanted to crowd her space, i thought this was healthy for us. we all needed our time away.

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