Chapter-8 (The pranks continue)

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In car

"Tie your seat belts " Dhruv said sitting on driving seat

"We don't need it " Aarna replied

"As you wish Ms Saxena " Rishi said looking at her from rear view mirror

Dhruv started car in god knows what speed the car was not running it was flying

Both Arohi and Aarna were Falling here and there inside the car

They started tying their seat belts

"I guess you said that you don't need it " Rishi said and Aarna glared at him

Arohi closed her eyes

Dhruv and Rishi exchanged panic look with each other

"Fuck " Rishi said with panic expression

"What happened? " Arohi asked with worried expression

" Car's breaks are failed " Rishi said and a truck was speeding towards them,Dhruv takes a quick turn

"Now what ?! " Aarna asked

" Now ? Wait for some car,bus or truck so that our car can hit with it maybe we can live, we have 2% chances of staying alive " said Rishi

Both Aarna and Arohi were crying. Death was chasing them

They closed their eyes and covered their faces with their hand, they didn't want to see some cars and trucks cause before the accident, they will die with heart attack due to fear

After some time car stopped

They were shocked when they looked outside ,it was their hotel

Both Rishi and Dhruv laughed like maniacs

"How was our prank, sweetheart? " Rishi askedAarna

"It was prank ,it was the dirtest prank I have ever seen " Aarna said and they both laughed

Arohi opened the door and came out of car

"Don't you have sense , who pranks like this ? " Arohi yelled on Dhruv

"No i don't have sense. Anything else? " he asked and Arohi was red with anger and fear
She was looking here and there

" What are you looking for ? " Rishi asked

" A big stone for your car " Arohi said still looking here and there

" We are not in India right now " Rishi said

" By God Mr Malhotra, I will not leave this car whenever we will reach india " said Aarna

"So fierce " Rishi said looking at her

" Ohhh you know i am fierce? Then be alert,I can burn you " Aarna said

"Ohh ! You came so early ? " Prem asked

" Thanks to Mr Malhotra's driving skills " Arohi said and Prem laughed

"Why so formal,call him Dhruv " Prem said and Arohi passed him a small smile
Arohi and Aarna were in their room with Vanshika

"Vanshika so as you know there is a prank war going between your brothers and us ,so we want you to help us " Aarna said and Vanshika nodded

"What's your brothers plan for tommorow? " Arohi asked

"Well for that you have to check their Instagram they provide every detail there " Vanshika said and both sisters nodded

Arohi opened her laptop

"What's their account?" 


Arohi searched him first, she opened his story

"My brother is hot, right ? " Vanshika asked and Arohi rolled her eyes

"No information " Aarna said

"Then check Rishi Bhaiya's account " Vanshika said and they got it there. Both sisters exchanged looks

" So which place is better? " Arohi asked Aarna

" I guess this one " Aarna pointed her finger and they smiled evilly

" I am so excited " Vanshika said and trio chuckled

Vanshika left their room

Both were going to sleep then Arohi got a notification she opened her phone

Notification was from insta that, 'Someone wants to send you a message'.

She opened it and it was Dhruv

Stalking me Miss Saxena ?

How could she miss this,she literally stalked them with her own account

Arohi showed her phone to Aarna

"Say no ,why would we stalk them? " Aarna said making a face but then another message came

Dhruv : But why will you stalk me, maybe you are trying to know my and Rishi's plan for your prank. Am I  right, Miss Saxena ?

"God,What this guy eats. In seconds he got to know our plan " Aarna said

Dhruv : Rishi wants to send some text to Aarna. Hand your phone to her or give her account to him

" No don't give him my account ask him here only " Aarna said

Arohi : what's it ?

Dhruv: hello Senior Inspector Purvi, stalking is illegal and you are doing CRIME


"Aarna he is not here to listen to you, calm down " Arohi said

And Aarna nodded

"Now what they must have guessed our plan " Aarna asked

" One week of trip , we have enough time. For now let's focus on our enjoyment " Arohi said and Aarna nodded

#37 on trip
Highest ranking so far
All thanks to you people ❤️💗
Stay tuned ❤️

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