Chapter-9 (Insults and bullies)

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Next day they met at buffet for breakfast

Adults were on another table

" Aarna and Arohi it must be your first time in foreign country, right?" asked Amisha trying to make their fun

"Yeah " Aarna replied and she laughed but controlled it

"Your dress looks nice , how much it costs ? " Asked Divya looking at Arohi

" Rs.500 " Arohi replied and she made a shocked face

" 500? Seriously my maid's daughter wears clothes at this cost, don't mind just telling " Divya said

" Well , because we are not rich like you " Aarna replied

"Awww don't worry you can borrow our dresses, we have enough " said Amisha and Dhruv ,Rishi were enjoying it very well (bastards🙄)

"No thanks " Aarna replied

"Don't worry our parents teach us to help poors " Divya said and laughed

"I am sorry to say but they forgot to teach you kindness and humanity and you are not helping us,you are bullying us you know that ? I am done with my breakfast. Let's go Aarna " Arohi said and both sisters left from there

" Di,wait " Vanshika said and left behind them

Adults listened all this

Ashish and Riya were bothered less cause for them it's not a big deal

Jeetu and Sushmita were looking at Ashish and Riya surprisingly, their daughters are practically bullying someone and they don't even feel sorry

Rajni and Prem were looking at Isha and Ram

Ram and Isha were sad

"Excuse me " Isha said and left from there with a sad expression


Arohi and Aarna were sitting with angry faces

Then they heard the door bell ring, Arohi got up and opened the door

"Mom ,you here ? " Arohi asked and Isha entered the room

She sat on bed

" I know whatever happened  downstairs was bad " Isha said and they both were silent

" I will not ask you to go and join them  for our reputation" Isha said

"Moreover I will ask you to stay in the room only , you both are precious to me, to your dad and we don't want someone to hurt you. I just came here to tell you that don't come down thinking it will hurt our feelings, come whenever you feel you should " Isha said and smiled

Aarna and Arohi hugged Isha lovingly


"Let's go " said Prem and all nodded

"Wait where are Arohi and Aarna ? " Rajni asked

" They are not coming " Isha said with a sad smile on her face

" Try to convince them " Rajni said

" To be honest, I don't want to " Isha said and they all went outside

Arohi and Aarna were watching a movie on laptop then Arohi heard a ping of notification from her phone

She looked it was from Dhruv

She opened it

Dhruv - What senior inspector? Come and take revenge of prank why are you hiding in a hole?
From Rishi

Arohi - No Thanks I don't want to feel humiliated again @ aarna _ saxsena _ is my I'd

Dhruv - Finally now we can have some personal chats too

Arohi- nothing can be personal between us and bye ......

Aarna handed the phone back to Arohi

" More than mine and Dhruv's it has yours and Rishi's chat " Arohi said and Aarna rolled her eyes

" Focus on movie" Aarna said and they both were again engrossed in their movie 

Stay tuned ❤️

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