Chapter-15 (night out)

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"Bye bye Rohan " Arohi waved her hand at him then Divya came from behind and took Dhruv's hand in this process Dhruv left Arohi's hand and she fell down

" Ouchhh " she yelled

Dhruv sat down

" Sorry get up " Dhruv said and was helping her

" I can't it's hurting " Arohi cried in pain

" She must have sprained her ankle " Rishi said then Rohan too reached there

" What happened Arohi ? Are you okk " Rohan asked and she shook her head

Rohan picked her up in bridal style and Dhruv fisted his hands in anger, jealously and guilt

" Mr Can I take her hand as I saw how carefully you took her care " Nonu asked Rishi and he had to leave Aarna

Rohan took Arohi outside and Isha ram rushed towards her

" What happened? " Isha asked Rohan

" She fell down and sprained her ankle " Rohan replied

" Is it serious " Prem asked

" We should take to her hospital " Rohan suggested

" Rohan you go . You have to board your flight " Arohi said

" Yesss ,you should " Aarna said to Nonu

" Okk do inform me about your injury " Rohan said and Arohi nodded

" Let's go towards car . Can you walk ? " Rajni asked and Arohi shook her head

" I will pick her mom " Dhruv said and picked her up in bridal style (mauke ka faayda😉😌)

" You don't look good in pink throw all pink clothes " Rishi said to Aarna in jealously

" And you look like white ghost in white " Aarna said

" Umm Dhruv " Arohi said in low voice without looking at him

" Yeah " he asked

" Can you button up your shirt? " she asked

" Rohan looks hot while he does this ? " Dhruv asked raising his eyebrows

" Rishi can you pick me ? " Arohi asked and he nodded

" Rishi button up my shirt " Dhruv said and Rishi did as he said

In shop

" Accept it you are feeling butterflies" Rishi said

" No ,I am not " Aarna said

" As I will believe you " he said

" Don't say you started liking me ? " Aarna asked suddenly

"Ewwwww who will like you ? My type is sweet which is far away from you " Rishi said

" Better " she said

-------With Dharohi-------

" Okk then you too go outside " Arohi said

" Why would I ? " Dhruv asked raising his eyebrows

" Cause I want to get changed " Arohi replied

" Then go in washroom " Dhruv said

" All thanks to you " Arohi said showing him her injury

" Well then I won't mind watching you get changed " Dhruv said with smirk on his face (ahem ahem getting naughty Mr. Malhotra 😏)

Arohi was dumb struck for a second. Did she hear it right ?

" What ? " She asked again

" I said I won't mind it " he said and again smirked

" Hawww  Dhruv ,you are so shameless" she said

" Well I learnt it from you only . Don't you shamelessly talk about Korean actors and your Rohan " Dhruv asked

" He is not mine " she replied

" Then who is yours ? " He said coming closer to her

" Nobody,go outside now " she replied

" I will help " he said

" Mummmmaaaaaa " she screamed and he laughed

" Such a cry baby like that day in  plane 'someone help me' " Dhruv mimicked her

" Dhruv get out " she said

" If I will not then ? " He asked . She took the steel bottle which was near her and he got away from her

" Helloooo what are you planning to do ? " Dhruv asked

" To murder you '' Arohi said ready to throw the bottle on him

" Fine, going" he said and left from there .Arohi blushed and smiled a bit

After 20 mins

" Okk now we have our drinks ,so can we play never have I ever ? " Vanshika asked with excitement and all nodded

" Never have I ever dated someone " Vanshika asked and nobody took a sip

" Never  have I ever been to jail " Aarna said and Rishi ,Dhruv took a sip

" What ?? " Vanshika asked being shocked

" For breaking traffic rules " Rishi replied

" Never have I ever cheated in a test " Arohi said and everybody took a sip

"Come on it's so common" Dhruv said

" Never have I ever had love at first sight " Rishi asked and nobody took a sip

" Never have I ever travelled in train " Dhruv said and Arohi ,prgaya took a sip

" Well di how's the train experience as I saw Chennai express, jab we met " Vanshika asked

" Hahah vanshika train is mostly filled with only men around 30-50 and uncles " Aarna said

" Never have I ever eaten food from the fridge after Everybody slept "  Vanshika said .Arohi and Aarna took a sip

" It's fun guys ,you should try it  " Arohi said

" Okk guys my drink is over " Aarna said

" Mine too " Rishi replied

" Almost " Dhruv said


They were watching a movie then Dhruv's phone rang

" It's mom " he said and Vanshika muted volume

" Yes mom " he asked

" Ohh okkh " he replied

" Yeah I will tell them too " he said and hung up the call

" Guys we are going back tomorrow so remember to pack your bags " Dhruv said

" Ohhh diiiii i will miss you both " Vanshika said

" Meee too " Aarna replied

" Me three " Arohi said

" Let's pack our bags now and then we will have a night out ? " Vanshika asked

" Cool cool then l am going to sleep " Arohi said

" What ? " Dhruv asked

" Look we will stay awake all night so we should sleep during day " Arohi said

" Wow what a logic " Rishi replied

" Yes we do this only whenever we plan a night out " Aarna replied

Stay tuned ❤️

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