Chapter-22 (birthday)

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Next day

Aarna woke up and came out of her room.

She saw Arohi there she was going down stairs and her eyes fell on Aarna

" Happy birthday Aaru " Arohi said and hugged her

" Thanks dii " Aarna said

" So as always I am the one who wished you first right? " Arohi asked

" Of course dii " Aarna said

" Okkah get ready fast, we are going to amusement park today " Arohi said

" Woooohhhh just give me 30 mins " Aarna said

They reached amusement park

" Dii and jiju you guys can have your own quality time " Aarna said

" Really you are amazing " Dhruv said and took Arohi with him

" Let's go to rollercoaster " Aarna said and dragged Rishi with her

They both got settled soon and ride started

" Now ride has started there is no chance for you to escape " Aarna said and Rishi looked at her in confusion

" Mr Rishi Malhotra that day you said to me that you love me " Aarna said directly looking into his eyes and he looked away

" Is it? " Aarna said

" I don't know what are you talking about I don't like you " Rishi said and she started looking in front

" Ohhh so sad I was going to say yes but nevermind " Aarna said

" What wait say it again? You like me? " Rishi asked

"I said that I was gonna say yes to your proposal but now when you don't..... " Aarna said

" Nooo I do,I really really do " Rishi said
And Aarna laughed

" God, such a simple thing like confession and you made it so complicated " Aarna said

" Trust me confession is as simple as complicated " Rishi said

" So can I hold your hand? " Rishi asked and Aarna showed him her hand he held her hand both of them looked away but still their hands were Intertwined with each other

Rishi covered her eyes and took her somewhere

" Rishi where are you taking me?" Aarna asked

" Wait a minute, yes now open your eyes " Aarna opened her eyes and her eyes widened looking at the scene

" What the...... You took me to a horror house no way i am going back I am scared look at them three three denoms waiting for me " Aarna said

" Lets go nothing is gonna happen I will save you " Rishi said and took Aarna with him

She was holding his shoulder too tightly like her life is dependent on them

They were passing through prisons then a hand touched Aarna

She screamed and Rishi turned back and she hugged him tightly

" Aarna? Are you really so much scared? " Rishi asked and she nodded

" Excuse me we want to exit from here please " Rishi said and staff nodded a staff boy came and took them out

" Lets go to restaurant and eat something after that we will enjoy rest of the rides " Rishi said and she nodded

They boht entered the restaurant

" Hello ma'am and sir, actually we are playing a couple game there ma'am will be on your back and she will throw the dart and you will get the items for free " The staff girl told him and they nodded.

Rishi carried Aarna on his back

" So boyfriend this treat is from me what do you want? " Aarna asked

" White sauce pasta " Rishi said and Aarna throw dart and it was perfect

" Next item for you girlfriend " Rishi said

" A chocolate pastry for me " Aarna said and threw the dart but this time the aim was not perfect

" Don't worry try again " Rishi said and she tried again this time she got it

They both started eating

" You are so cute " Rishi said and pinched her nose she blushed so hard

After they were done Aarnaa was tired so they stayed there for 1 hour for rest

It was almost 5:30 when they came out of restaurant

" Now what? " Rishi asked

" Let's go to ferris wheel " Aarna said and Rishi nodded

Both of them went to ferris wheel 🎡

Aarna was mesmerised by the beauty but Rishi was mesmerised by her

She looked at him and smiled

He was still looking at her then she pecked his lips

He was taken back for a minute

" That night you did now it was my turn " Aarna said

" Shittt!!! I am sorry if I forced you " Rishi said sounding really guilty

" You didn't " Aarna said and hugged him

They Came down and Rishi took her to garden

Where she was shocked to see decorations

" Omggg diiiii and jiju you guys were preparing this since Morning " Aarna asked and they nodded

" Thank you soo much, I love you " Aarna said

" Save this for Rishi " Arohi said and smirked

" Ohh yeah congratulations " Dhruv said and Aarna looked at Rishi

" Yes yes he told us you can do whatever you want with him later now come let's cut the cake " Arohi said and Aarna nodded

" Wow cake is so cute " Aarna said

" Just like you " Rishi said and Dhruv cleared his throat

" Here is your gift " Rishi said

" Gifting bracelets means loving and cherishing the one,nice nice " Arohi said and Aarna blushed

" Thanks Rishi "Aarna said

" Say thanks Ishu baby " Arohi teased her

" Here, it's from me " Dhruv

" Thanks jiju " Aarna said

" And here from your diii " Arohi said

" Thanks dii, thank you all of you " Aarna said


Stay tuned ❤️

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