chapter-11 (plans and plots)

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Four of them were in restaurant

"Now what ??! " Aarna yelled in frustration

"We have 6 months we will think something" said Rishi drinking cold coffee

"And what about me ? I am getting married in just one month ? " Asked Dhruv

" Us ..di and you are getting married" Aarna interrupted him in between

" Bhai , tell that she has an affair with someone,simple " said Rishi and Aarna held a knife in her hand

"Why my diii huh ? Your brother can say that he is having an affair " Aarna  asked

"Okk bhaiya is having an affair " Rishi said with fear and Aarna palced the knife on the table

" Guys ask for more time, say you want to get married with us only then we can think something and mom dad will not deny this " Aarna said and all of them looked at each other

"I never thought you can use your brain " Rishi said and Aarna glared at him

"That's right " Arohi said and Dhruv nodded



Dharohi and Aarshi headed towards their parents

They were happy

"Mom- dad " Dhruv said and everyone looked at him

"Come " Rajni said with a smile

"Mom I want to talk to you " Dhruv said and Rajni nodded

"We want our marriage with Rishi and Aarna " Dhruv said and Arohi nodded

"Well okah that's good so now you all can get married next month only "prem said

"NOOO" Four of them screamed

"We want ours to be held after 6 months " Dhruv said

"Any problem beta ? We wanted both of you to get married soon just because of Aarna's exam we are delaying Rishi and Aarna's marriage otherwise if they are ready we will gladly marry them off next month only " Ram said

" No dad ,bhaiya and bhabhi will marry next month only I and Aarna will get married after 6 months " Rishi said and Dharohi looked at him

"Right Aarna ? " Rishi asked and Aarna nodded

Arohi gave her a betrayed expression

Aarna mouthed a sorry to her

if Dharohi is falling in well then it's not like that Aarshi will too


"Seriously both of you flipped back so early " Arohi said glaring at them

" If not then we would be married to with you next month only and we don't want that " Rishi said and Aarna nodded

"So what I even don't want to marry this girl " Dhruv said and Arohi looked at him

"Excuse me ??? What do you mean by THIS GIRL ?? " Arohi asked him with a  glare

"Youuu ,i don't want to marry you " Dhruv said

"Feelings are mutual,Mr Malhotra" Arohi said

"But you have to Mr and Mrs Malhotra " Rishi said

" Will you find out if I kill this dearest brother of yours ? " Arohi asked  Dhruv with anger laced in her voice

"Not at all ,kill him right now " Dhruv said

"Then what are you thinking of doing ? " Asked Rishi

"Don't know " Dhruv mumbled and all of them were silent

Then Divya and Amisha came there

"Congratulations but I feel bad for both of you " Amisha said looking at Dhruv and Rishi

"I will kill her if she will say a word now " Arohi said to Dhruv

"Amisha not now " Dhruv said and both sisters left from there

"I guess you both should marry each other " Rishi said and earned a glare from Dharohi

"Guys marry each other then,before mine and Rishi's marriage both of you should have a fight,a big one like our families will ask you two to take divorce kinda fight and then problem solved " Aarna said

"This is nice after our fight our families will not marry Rishi and Aarna too " Dhruv said

" Masterplan " Rishi said

"But their bond will break too " Arohi said suddenly and this plan too goes in vain

"You have to marry each other " Rishi said

"I guess so if you both had much time like me and Rishi than we can do something but now we can't " Aarna said

"Guys ,moms are coming here " Rishi said and they started a new topic

"What's happening " Isha asked with a happy smile on her

"Just talking " Aarna replied

"Yeah you should talk more now a days so that you can get to know each other better " Rajni said and all nodded


Stay tuned ❤️

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