--Chapter 2--

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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙

𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .

↷✦; w e l c o m e ❞

Vocab Check:

Chan: Cute, Dear one (Used for children, female friends, or your grandma)

Kun: Respected Junior or Dearest Lover ( Junior co-workers, young boys, friends , lovers)(Only means lover in story if M/n uses nickname)

Go: Respected Family Member (Self explanatory)

San: Mr, Ms, Mrs. (Friends, equals, strangers, aquaintances)

Shi: Respected Stranger (Writing about strangers)

Senpai: Teacher or Master (Master~- NOPE! BONK! GO TO HORKNEE JAIL)

The author's novel : regular

"The author's novel": speaking

'The author's novel': thoughts

2nd Person POV

You sighed happily from delight while stuffing your mouth with your favorite cake.

'Why is it so yummy?~'

Then you sighed from exasperation, knowing that this cake would taste alot better if it wasn't bought by the man sitting across from you.

You reached for your tea cup and gracefully took a sip of the lavender and freesia tea.

The man across from you, was smiling as he's was watching you, opened his thin mouth.

"My dear N/n-chan, I've got some excited news!~"

You eyes thinned, doubting that anything coming out of this man's mouth was exciting, but out of pure curiosity, you took the bait.

"What's so exciting, Rintarou-san?"

The said man started making a weeping face when you called him san again but he continued as complied.

"Today I have a new patient! Meaning you get to come see him with me and make a new friend!~"

You stared at the man infront of you, used to him sweet toning his words to hide his true intentions, which you immediently knew due to being with him for a long time.

'He wants to keep an eye on me to make sure I don't runaway.'

Your intuition was spot on.

Though ofcourse, treasuring the amount of sanity you had remaining, you complied with him, using the same sickly sweet tone he used to speak.

"Really Rintarou-san, I can do that! Hmph! your upgraded back to Rintarou-senpai."

"Thank you my beloved N/n-chan!~"

You both then continued to eat the cake and drink the tea, until it was almost time to meet Rintarou's new patient.

Though the only reason you were allowed more than one slice of cake was because your strong will, and Rintarou's liking of it.

When the both of you finished, you both exited the front door together and entered Rintarou's sleek onyx car with extra-tinted windows.

And in order make conversation while getting information, you asked questions.

"Rintarou-senpai! Whats my new friend going to be like!"

Rintarou, who was driving, made his sick small smile.

"It'll be a surprise N/n-chan! After all I know you love surprises~"

Your eyes widened and your breathing accelerated, scared of the words he just said.

Scared of the memories the words brought back.

And suddenely you could see your 5 year old self, in the hellhole that you called a house.

A house but never home.

You shook in fear as you saw your so called father stepping on you and hitting you with a golf club, which left no scars but did break bones.

Of course your 5 year old self has this happened to them alot but they didn't expect it that day of all days.

After all, who gets abused on their birthday?

You shook as you witnessed your 5 year old self screaming as your 'father' kept hitting you harder and harder with the golf club and stepping on the bones that broke while cursing you for being born.

You kept watching as the whole hour and a half of abuse sped up your mind and slowed back down at the very end.

The very end where your father smiled as he said.

"Happy birthday freak! I know you love surprises!"

You then anapped back to reality, as you saw Rintarou parking infront of his mini-hospital, which consisted of no workers other than him.

He then looked into the seat you were sitting in and sickly smiled at you.

"Are you ready my dear N/n-chan?"

Your shaking stopped only seconds before he looked at you, making you well aware he used that quote on purpose.

But two could play that game.

After all in the art of war, all warfare is based on deception.

You smiled sickenly sweet, imitating Rintarou's smile as you replied.

"Of course Rintarou-senpai! I'll make an effort to meet this new person! After all, 'Effort is most important. Results come in second. Isn't that right' Rintarou-senpai?"

Said man gives you a closed eye smile as he affirms your words.

"Absolutely my dear N/n-chan."

The both of you exited the car, and Rintarou holds your hand as your about to enter the building.

According to Rintarou, the patient is already inside waiting for him.

And as Rintarou opens the door, and you walk in first.

The only thing that you can see are the big brown eyes that stared back at you.


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