prologue - the backstory

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This is the story of the daughter of the most famous vampire to ever exist. A man whose reputation proceeds him. However he is not very much liked everywhere he goes, he's feared by the entire vampire population in multiple continents. He has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people both during his immortality and his life as Prince Vlad of Transylvania. His legacy greater than any other immortal who has ever lived... After the death of the love of his life, Mirena, he spent hundreds of years alone, mourning the loss of his wife. Until one day he met a woman, Francesca.

She was a Western European vampire, she had no family. Her and Count Dracula became friends, exploring the world like nomads, with no destiny. They would go everywhere together. After a couple hundred years their love flourished, and together they had a son and a daughter. Born in Romania, Damon Jacerys Tëpes was born in 1683. A year after, also in Vlad's home country, Alexandra Dhanyris Tëpes was born. Vlad and Francesca couldn't be any happier, but all good things must come to an end.

There are many vampires in this world, the original family that has been present since the beginnings of the 10th century, did not fear Dracula but befriended him when they saw he was not an ordinary vampire. They met him when he roamed Europe with the future mother of his children: he became like one of the Mikaelsons, knowing the darkest secrets of the family, from which sibling left the door open for the horses to leave during the night, to the dark origins of their family. Vlad was passionate about history, he learned more from the Mikaelsons than from his history lessons as a prince. When the Volturi started coming to power the Originals were the most feared of their kind, and there was a bloody war where many lives from the Volturi clan were lost. They came to an agreement after 20 years of fighting. the Volturi were all figureheads, they "ruled" over vampires and were the most feared clan in the world, but the original family was the one that made all the decisions. Few people knew about the originals, they were only a myth, but not for all.

"He will be a problem one day, Aro" Caius said looking over the battle field where Count Dracula currently fights the Turks, 215 years ago.

"I know Caius, but until then let him roam free. After all he will bring her to life...." Aro smiles, almost as if he knew something everyone did not.The three Volturi made their way back to Rome, only to patiently wait for the right moment to pay Vlad a visit.

————- 1689, Italia ————-

Damon was playing with his little sister outside of the house where the Tëpes lived. Vlad had decided to move to a small town in Italy to raise his children until they turn at least 13. He wanted them to have a "normal" childhood, at least normal for them before taking them to Transylvania to rule. He and Francesca both agreed to not kill humans during their kid's childhood years, to not raise them to not have any appreciation for human life. They became vegetarians, to live in peace at least until their kids are older. The village had only another vampire family, the Rossi's, they were born and raised there and were also vegetarians. They had 2 daughters and 1 son, they were harmless.This specific village had tolerance for vampiri, the word for vampires in Italy. It had been a normal day for the Tëpes, until dawn, they were having supper from the first animal Damien had caught that day, then the screams begin.

The Volturi made sure to burn the town to the ground, not leaving a single human alive. The Rossi's were left untouched due to them doing wrong, but the Tëpes had another faith waiting for them.

"The woman, get her" Caius pointed at Francesca, who along with her family was standing outside of their house scared to death of what was happening.

"What is going on? Why are you taking my wife?!" Vlad yelled at Aro, standing in front of his mate.

"So foolish of me, you don't know who I am. My name is Aro. These are Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Felix, Demitri, and Santiago. We are the Volturi, the largest coven of vampire known to existence, royalty in the vampire world, if you wish to go by titles. We enforce the laws in the vampire world, and your wife Francesca has broken one of the most sacred ones, and she will be punished" Aro spoke with a diabolical smile, which was left imprinted in the minds of the two scared kids, Damon and Alexandra. Before Vlad could step forward and confront Aro, the man introduced as Felix stopped him by pushing his shoulder.

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