chapter two - the cullens

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"Father?" Alexandra looked at the man in front of her in shock.

"Alexandra.." Vlad couldn't help himself anymore and hugged his daughter, it didn't matter how her shirt was covered in blood and her eyes were as red as fire, he missed his little girl. Alexandra closer her eyes and hugged her father back. She missed him also, after not seeing him for so many years, they had never been apart for so long.

"Dad what are you doing here? I thought you were in Amsterdam, I was planning on visiting you next month." Lies. She knew if her father her current lifestyle he would disapprove of her actions.

"No you were not, don't lie to me beautiful I know you..." Damn it. Vlad knew his daughter too well to fall for her lies. He got closer to her and pulled her into a warm, long embrace. "My independent girl... I knew you would do well on your own."

Alexandra pulled away from the hug after a few seconds and asked her father, "Who are these people dad? And why are you here in the first place? You know I love to see you but this does not seem like a random thing, she recognized Carlisle vaguely because Vlad had introduced him to her once, but the man and woman standing next to him were total strangers to her.

"Don't be so tense dear, they are friends, and they need our help" Vlad said with a relaxed tone, but his daughter did not seem to be taking it so well.

"They are not my friends, I don't know these people. You know I love you daddy but I dont just give my help to complete strangers, and you know why. Most importantly, how did you even get into my apartment?!" The blue-eyed girl walked around her penthouse going to the kitchen and sitting on the counter.

"Your blonde friend told us where you where. Now please dear, these people are good. They need you and Damon, not me, I am to go back to Amsterdam after you tell us where Damon is, I know you are in contact with him. Please Lexi, just give them a chance" He used that specific nickname that made Alexandra's early memories come flooding back. she remembered Rebekah's voice and how her, along with Klaus and the others, always used to call her that.

"Fine. I will go with you. I know exactly where Damon is right now, so that will be easy. Convincing me that i should help whatever this is? Not so much" She was heading up to her room until a voice stopped her.

"And please love, dispose of the body properly, you can't be reckless in this buildings I have barely seen a vampire in this block dear." Vlad spoke.

"Yes father I know, don't worry they won't see a thing." She walked away not without sending a look to the 6'3 tall Cullen man with the golden locks and the penetrating yellow eyes... "I will meet you outside of the central plaza tomorrow at 12:00pm. I have "business" to take care of before my room permanently looks like a morder scene. You know where the exit is" She blew a kiss to her father and shut the door of her room.

The Cullens and Vlad left the penthouse and spent the night roaming around the city. Waiting eagerly for the next morning.


Alexandra met her promise and met the Cullens right in front of the plaza, and by sunset they were traveling back to Forks, Damon would meet them there.

They arrived to Forks on Thursday, they only had 2 days to get ready for Victoria's arrival, and they were gonna make the most out of them.

"Welcome to our home Alexandra, make yourself comfortable. Rosalie will show you the room you will be staying in." Carlisle said while carrying her bags, he handed them to Rosalie and he went up the stairs with Alexandra following her.

The hot blonde I saw back a my apartment showed me the way to this beautiful room with a view to the forest.

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