chapter 5 - bad news and training !

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A/N : HEY GUYS!! IT'S LITERALLY BEEN AN ENTIRE MONTH!! sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, my mom told me we were going out of the country like 2 days after i posted the last chapter and i was like: girl wtf. So i haven't had time to finish up some details and post this chapter but her we go!!! again, sorry i took so long and thank you for reading and voting, hope you like this chapter!!


"They'll be here in four days" Alice spoke. At this point it was the Cullens, Damon, and wolf guys and me outside of the house. Alice had a vision of newborn vampires passing around Bella's scent, meaning they were targeting her.

"This could turn into a blood bath" Carlisle was worried, he didn't want all of this to get out control.

"Who's behind it?" Edward intervened, holding the hand of his girlfriend with the pretty jugular.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized, maybe one..." Edward read Alice's mind and suddenly looked skeptic, "I know his face. he's a local, Riley Byers. He didn't start this" Edward said.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action." I finally joined te conversation,"they are playing with the blind spots in your vision..."

"Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" Jasper added, with a harsh, indifferent tone.

"Hold up, what damn army?" the wolf guy, Jacob, questioned. It was the first time I had heard him talk, he looks... interesting. For what Alice had told me, Jacob was also in love with Bella, so adding to the whole "vampire and werewolf rivalry", him and Edward hate each other's guts. Klaus told me he had started that whole thing back in the 1110 hundreds and that even though he's a hybrid, he thought it was fun to create a whole rivalry when he slaughtered an entire pack of werewolves in what now would be Virginia one evening when he was bored. Over the years werewolves were almost extinct, and the ones that lasted did not activate their gene or joined a pack and stayed on the low, usually in small towns.

"Newborns. Our kind" Carlisle looked at Jasper, "What are they after?" One of the other werewolves asked.

"They were passing round Bella's scent. A red blouse." Alice looked at Bella, who was holding onto Edward for dear life. If I understood correctly, she had almost gotten killed before when a blood-thirsty vampire was hunting her down, and then months later she almost killed herself trying to to have some kind of hallucination about Edward since they had broken up when he left town. Then he came back and here we are, with an army of newborns passing around her scent to kill her. This is going to be one hell of a long chapter in my journal.

"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" I mentally face-slapped myself, what does he think it means? He's kinda hot, I'll give him that, but how on earth did he graduate high school?

"It means that they want to murder your friend Belly here and probably kill some of us along the way" I said, Bella softly said "It's Bella" until I looked at her, she obviously can see the "just shut the fuck up" look I have on my face so she just looked away. I got a look from Edward, but I didn't care.

"There will be an ugly fight, with lives lost" Carlisle cut the thick silence. Jacob turned around to the other wolves, they all shared the same look and all nodded. Jacob spoke.

"Alright, we're in"

"No" Bella immediately responded, "you'll get yourselves killed, no way"

"I wasn't asking for permission" Jacob said, Bella turned around to Edward for backup but he had already made up his mind.

"It means more protection for you" Edward justified.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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