chapter 4 - sibling bonding and confessions

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It has been a couple of days since we went to the mall, I have been getting closer with the Cullen family, Alice has taught me how to bake "the perfect chocolate chip cookies" and how to pick the perfect nail polish to make my eyes look prettier, Rosalie kept her distance at first, but she slowly started becoming more affectionate. Emmett and Damon act like they have known each other for decades, they both enjoy the same things and are almost like the same person but in a different font. Esme and Carlisle have been nothing but but welcoming, I have tried to look for an apartment but there is not a single one without a roommate, and I don't feel like getting arrested for murder because I killed them in the middle of the night when I was craving a snack. They told me it was no trouble if I stayed with them, sometimes they acted too warm to be vampires. Jasper... he is different.
One day he acts like those guys you meet one time in your life who are funny and kind and look like they could give you a happy life and the other he completely shuts off and doesn't talk to me at all, he doesn't even look at me. I'm not going to deny he is attractive, he obviously is, 190-ish pounds of pure muscle, 6'3, wavy blond hair and fierce golden eyes that would make any girl melt, but i can't be with him, not now. I have been doing some digging about my powers and m origins, turns out there is a lot more to them that I know, so the moment I have the chance to get out of here... I will. I've this journal ever since 1991, I was writing on it when Damon walked into my room.

"Knock knock.." Damon walks into the room and grabs a book from the shelf, "You know, even thought you are over 300 years you will always be my baby sister, and I know something's wrong... there's no way you can be reading that much smut in one lifetime." I laughed and he at by my side "Being serious now, what's wrong Lexi?"

"It's nothing really... I just..." I sighed, "These people, they at so nice to us... and I don't want to get used to this" I looked at Damon, he squinted his eyes trying to read between the lines, something he has to do way to many times when I talk to him, "I don't want to get too attached to them, you know how that turned out last time"

"You mean when you drifted off into an orange sunset to discover the wonders of this world and meet your lover with your annoying friends and let everybody over a hundred yeas ago?" He teased.

"Klaus should've never taught you what sarcasm was" I rolled my eyes

"Is that who you're talking about then? Klaus? Our family" Damon asked. It normally takes him a little longer to figure things out, since I'm the smarter twin, but I couldn't lie to him.

"Yes Damon, our family... who I haven't seen in over a century! They raised me Damon, they raised you! I just can't believe after all this time they have never bothered to show up?! Dad says he talks to them but whenever I need to talk to one of them they're suddenly ghosts. Their cellphones have been disconnected, believe me i have called many times, and honestly I don't even know if they're alive anymore..." I had to get that out of my chest, one way or another, I knew Damon would understand.

"Lexi... you know how their lives are, they're supposed to not even exist. The only ones who know about their existence are the Volturi and our family. I know you miss them, and I do too, but you have to understand..." For the first time since I saw him Damon finally sounded mature.

"Damn, I didn't think you were able to say things like that; I'm afraid to tell you brother but you are getting wise, ergo, old" He punched me in the arm playfully and said in the most dramatic, exaggerated way that he could NEVER, "Still, you're right. I just want to now if they're ok, I miss them. They watched me grow up, they took care of me. I know it may sound ridiculous but the Cullens... they have been so kind and so welcoming. They have invited us into their home and have treated us as if we were part of their family."

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