chapter 3 - victoria

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"Jasper?" Alexandra questions. He turns his head to her, looks at her up and down and stands up. He walks up to her and stretches his hand.

"I don't think we have been formally introduced ma'am, I'm Jasper Hale" Alexandra shakes him and makes eye contact with him, but not letting go. She doesn't know if it's the alcohol but something about him makes her feel comfortable, warm.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks and Alexandra denies, "well then," Jasper sits down ad drinks.

"I don't really know you well but I didn't think you would be a pub at 5pm kinda of guy." Alexandra honestly confesses, Jasper lets out a chuckle and speaks.

"Well why not ma'am?" He looks at her defiantly.

" I thought you were a goody-pants..." Alexandra covers her mouth and laughs, Jasper smiles at her and joins her laughing. "I'm sorry I just didn't get the vibe you can't blame me! You dress like you're going to church!"

"Church outfits are highly underrated" He smiles, "It's alright, so what about you, what brings you here?" He asks."

"Honestly I just came here to get my meal." Alexandra's eyes darken just thinking about it, "but definitely to have some full, I haven't seen my brother in about a decade, so I guessed this would be a good time to catch up but I forgot how big of drinkers us Romanians are." Alexandra softly laughs and stares at his brother dancing with two girls completely out of it.

"Do you think he will be right for the chase?" Jasper questions with a hint of worry.

"Yeah once he feeds he will probably be good as new" The black-haired girl answers.

"Have you ever tried feeding on human blood?" The question was going to come up sooner or later, after all the Cullens are a family of only vegetarians.

"I haven't, but I feel pretty comfortable it's my diet. I'm not a ripper, I promise, but I don't mind feeding on humans. I mostly drink off of blood bags. I have a friend who works at a hospital nearby from where I live and she gets me the bags, I only feed on people whenever my thirst is too strong, or whenever I need my full strength." Jasper listens to the girl speak, "or for some other reasons..." Alexandra walks away from Jasper, her eyes never leave his and a mischievous look is planted on her face, she mutters a "see you later handsome" and disappears in the dance floor.

The way it goes down my throat, the warm feeling and sweetness... I told myself the blood bags would satisfy my thirst, but sometimes I can't stop myself and I have to feed from the vein. I couldn't do it this time, I almost feel... bad...for feeding, I don't know why, this usually never happens...
I went into the forest and for the first time in my 325 years I fed on an animal that was nearby, the blood tasted different, not as sweet, not as satisfying, but I ran out of time.I had spent it all mostly drinking and dancing. I got a call from Damon saying that he was already at the Cullen home and that I should get my tiny ass there. Usual Damon, hating on my ass because he doesn't get any since Elena is busy in some business in South Korea.
Time skip to sundown, the Cullen, Damon and I are in the middle of the forest. I can hear the crickets and the birds fly on top of us. Edward says Alice will tell us the moment Victoria is here so we get a head start and the element of surprise, a few minutes go by.

"She's here! On your left! "Alice says and I immediately start running, I see a red blur in front of me and finally know what I am chasing, all of my predatory instincts are on alert. I see Rosalie and Esme running the same direction trying to stop Victoria but she throws them out of her way and keeps runnng. Emmett comes out of nowhere and attempts to grab Victoria's shoulder but she shakes him off as if he was a bug, she's strong. Carlisle and Alice run as fast as they can to try and get her but she's really fast, she must be round the same age as I am. Jasper, Damon, and I are the ones left. Jasper and Damon both see her jumping from tree to tree and try to get her both they go from opposite sides and instead clash into each other. I see Victoria wanting to jump from the river so I jump at the same time and catch mid-air.

Legacy of Blood [Jasper Hale x Alexandra Tëpes]Where stories live. Discover now