chapter 1 - "father?"

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Cullen Residency - Forks, Washington - 2010

Carlisle was sitting on the couch while listening to Alice speak.

"I saw her. Victoria is coming I saw her on the woods" Alice spoke in front of everyone.

"Are you sure it was her? We haven't heard anything from her in such a long time" Rosalie intervened a little anxious, she never liked Victoria.

"Yes it was her. She will be here this weekend. We need to get ready. I feel like this time something is different" Alice stood up and left. The Cullen clan was sitting on the living room, in a dead silence.

"We have until saturday Carlisle. Alice said it herself something is different.You should call him" Esme put her hand on Carlisle's shoulder trying to comfort him, after all this is all very stressful.

"Call who?" Emmet asked. "Somebody who I haven't talked to in a long time, an old friend of mine" Carlisle answered keeping his thoughts for himself...and Edward.

"There is no way you actually know him. He is supposedly just a legend, like the Original family for example." Edward stood up questioning Carlisle after looking at his thoughts.

"I do know him Edward, when I was part of the guard for the Volturi I met him, he was infiltrated.He hates the Volturi more than anybody, but he helped me escape from them and become another man. The only reason why he doesn't go against them is because..." Carlisle stopped thinking carefully about what he will say next.

"His daughter? He has a daughter?" Carlisle nods, "Why is his daughter stopping him from taking the Volturi down? Everybody knows he is very capable of doing it" Edward continues.

"I can't tell you that, but he will" Carlisle stood up leaving the room along with Esme. Until a deep southern voice broke the silence.

"Who is Carlisle talking about Edward?" Hale questioned his adoptive sibling.

" Vlad Dracula Tëpes, formerly known as Vlad the Impaler. Currently known as Count Dracula" Edward answers not facing Jasper.

"I thought he was only a myth like the folklores in Europe about the creation of Vampires and the old tales about witches" Rosalie says in disbelief.

"He is most definitely not a myth. According to Carlisle he is very much real, and we could use his help" Edward leaves the room.


Vlad got Carlisle's letter the day after he sent it. He had been living in Amsterdam for the past couple of decades. He doubted if he should go, he didn't want to put himself at risk for such a small cause, but something inside of him told him he needed to, like an internal voice, so that same day he parted to Forks.

The Cullen clan stood in the middle of the woods, where Vlad had asked them to meet up. A loud wind blew some leaves off of the trees, birds flew away and the weather suddenly got colder. A shadow coming from the west put everybody on alert. A man, 6'4 tall, big shoulders, lean body, dark red eyes.

"Vlad... it's been a long time" Carlisle stretched out his hand to Vlad but instead was taken by surprise by a hug and a pat in the back. He reciprocated this actions laughing a little by the surprise.

"Carlisle, my old friend, how have you been?" Vlad asked with a grin on his face.

"I have been better, we are going through some difficult times..." Carlisle spoke "I haven't introduced you to my family, Vlad these are my adoptive children, Jasper, Edward, Rosalie, Emmet and Alice. You know Esme my wife" Vlad nods at everyone acknowledging their presence, and then directs his eyes to Esme.

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