Apollo 9

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In the last chapter, Reisen asked Haruki for help to go to the moon.

[Haruki]: Huh? Help you reach the moon? But how? Don't we need a rocket? Actually.. This world is pretty strange itself, powers and everything.. So maybe not, but still, the moon?!

[Reisen]: Yes.. The moon. I really want to pay a visit. All the Lunarians are probably dead by now, but I want to at least see what remained of that place.

[Haruki]: Okay.. But still, you haven't answered my question from before, what do you know about the Temporala family?

[Reisen]:  Its a very long story, I'd rather not explain it now, but in short terms, your family has some links with the maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Master Eirin, so we're friends. It has been like this for about 500 years now.

[Haruki]: Are you really just going to leave me with that information like that?! Also, who is the maid of this "Mansion"? Who is Eirin? I have no clue about who these people are..

[Reisen]: Eirin is my master and also the person who gave me this name after I fleed from the moon.. She escaped with me and the Princess, and she's also the smartest person I know. The maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion serves the owner of said place, Remilia Scarlet. A vampire. Said maid is also capable of time manipulation.

[Haruki]: More people from the moon..? Vampires? And a maid who controls time?.. Where the hell did I end up.. Oh father, why did you have to cause me so much trouble..

[Reisen]: So? Will you help me, Haruki?

[Haruki]: I dont seem to have another choice.. Since my family knows who you are, I couldn't just leave a friend of the family like this.

[Reisen]: Really?! Thank you so.. Ah.

[Haruki]: Huh? Is there a problem?

[Reisen]: The Princess and Master Eirin.. I dont think they'd let us go to the moon..

[Haruki]: Huh? And why is that? 

[Reisen]: The Princess.. She was once Princess of the Lunarians.. But then, she decided to create the Hourai Elixir, along with Master Eirin.

[Haruki]: The Hourai Elixir..? What is that supposed to be?

[Reisen]: Its a elixir that makes you immortal if you drink it more than 3 times. The first taste makes the person incapable of growing or aging, the second taste makes the person unable to become ill, and the third taste makes one completely immortal.

[Haruki]: Immortality?! But.. How is this possible..? That's not something you can just make like that, is it?

[Reisen]: As I said before, Master Eirin is the smartest person I know, and probably the smartest person in existence. Apparently, she's the only person who knows how to make the elixir. She made the elixir because the Princess requested it. Then, with the help of the Princess, who has the ability to manipulate eternity, the elixir was made. Then, both the Princess and Master Eirin drank the elixir. As a result, they we're both exiled to Earth by the Lunarians.

[Haruki]: ..Manipulation of eternity? Okay.. But, why we're they exiled? Isn't immortality a good thing for the Lunarians?

[Reisen]: According to what Master Eirin said, a Lunarian taking the elixir makes them impure due to being tempted by the removal of death and thus associating themselves with it.

Lunatic Remains: Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now