Chapter 3

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                      Rez Willson

Rez eyes flashes with anger as he saw tear stricken face of his mother. He grabs the collar of his father "You have hurted my mom!" he growled, as he felt the anger within him growing up

Williams eyes grew as Rez held his collar, "You piece of shit!!" he screams in anger

"You have hurted my mom!" Rez repeated, looking at his father

"And? I don't care about both of you. You both did nothing good to me. Martha has lost her beauty she is no longer beautiful as she was before and you? You are doing nothing about you're future but wasting your time on drawing and making arts which are going to take you no where" he spits out the words angrily.

"How could you?" Martha broke down into tear upon hearing Williams venomous words

"Mom" Rez let goes of his father's collar and walks toward his mom, hugging her tightly, gently rubbing her back.

Williams smirks "What a pathetic mother and son duo"

"Shut up" rez growled in anger

"Or what?" He chuckles "are you going to cry as well? My dear Rez, accept the fact that you and your mom are pathetic and-"

Rez's hand tightened around his throat before he could complete his sentence: "Dare to say it again, and I'll forget you were ever part of our family."
Don't you dare speak about my mother like that!"

William struggles to speak "You think you can intimidate me? You're nothing but a disgrace!"

"I'm the disgrace? Look at what you've become! You're a shell of the man you once were."

"You'll regret this, boy. I'm still your father." William said, gasping for air

"Not anymore. Not after what you just said."

Rez releases his grip, letting his father slump to the ground, before turning away, his expression filled with a mix of anger and sadness.

William rises from the ground, his eyes filled with fury as he locks onto Rez, taking predatory steps toward him. "You worthless piece of trash," he growls, seizing Rez's collar in a vice-like grip.

Martha eyes widened at the sight "please don't fight" her voice trembled .

"How could you do this, Dad? How could you betray Mom like that?" Rez glares at his father, his eyes are full of hatred

William sneers "You think you know everything, don't you? You don't understand what goes on between adults."

"Don't try to justify it! You're tearing our family apart!"

Martha couldn't take it any more and decided to step in between them "Stop it, both of you! We can't keep fighting like this."

"Mom, you don't have to defend him. He's been lying to you all along." Rez speaks out with a frustrated

The revelation shatters the already strained family dynamic, leaving Martha torn between her husband's betrayal and her son's anguish.

"Stop it! Please, both of you, this isn't the way!" Her eyes glazed with hurt and disbelief

Rez voice raises as the argument between them grew intense "I won't let you get away with this, Dad!"

William's eyes were filled with rage as he shoves Martha aside "Stay out of this, Martha! This is between me and him!"

Martha stumbles back as tears whelmed in the corners of her eyes "No, please, stop!"

But before she can finish her plea, William's shove is too forceful, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. The impact jolts through her body as she hits her head on the floor, a sharp pain shooting through her skull. She lies there, stunned and in pain, as the argument rages on, her heart heavy with the realization that her family is crumbling before her eyes.

Martha lies on the ground, her hand instinctively reaching for her throbbing head, but it's the pain in her heart that cuts the deepest. Tears stream down her cheeks, mixing with the blood trickling from the small wound on her forehead. The anguish in her eyes reflects the betrayal she feels from both her husband and her son, the very pillars of her world crumbling around her. In that moment of vulnerability, she realizes the depth of the fractures within her family, and the weight of it all threatens to crush her spirit.

Rez eyes widened as he saw his mother lying on the floor, holding her head, Unknowingly a tear slipped down his eyes "mom" his voice was low. But before he could react further,  strong punch landed on his face causing him to fall on the ground.

He groans in pain holding onto his jaw where the punch has landed. His mind wanders back to the day, he didn't wished to remember.


As Rez approached his house after a long day at school, a sense of unease settled in his stomach. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Frowning, he waited for a moment, but the silence persisted. Then, a sudden crash shattered the stillness, the sound of breaking glass echoing through the air.

Heart pounding, Rez rushed to the window and peered inside. His parents stood in the living room, their voices raised in a heated argument. Unable to bear the thought of them fighting alone, Rez searched for another way inside.

Spotting an open window at the side of the house, Rez wasted no time. He climbed through it, his hands shaking slightly with nerves. As he crept into the living room, he saw his parents, their faces twisted with anger and frustration.

Without hesitation, Rez stepped between them, his young voice trembling but determined. "Stop it!" he cried out, tears welling in his eyes. "Please, don't fight."

"Rez, go back to your room" his father yelled.

Rez flinched upon hearing his father strict voice "please don't fight mom and dad"

His father ignored his pleas and grips his mother's hair. His mother cried in pain as she felt him pulling her hair.

Rez froze onto his spot as he watches the sight before him. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he sees the tears stricken face of his mother "mom" he cried out "Dad please let go of mom" he begs

"Stay away of this Rez" his father yelled

"No, dad please let go of her" he cries out and holds onto the arm of his father.

"Stop it, both of you! Please, you're tearing our family apart!" Rez pleaded, his eyes pleading for them to listen.But his father's frustration only seemed to grow, his face contorted with anger. In a moment of blind rage, he shoved Rez aside with a force that sent him stumbling backward.Rez staggered, his hand flying to his jawline as pain shot through him. He could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth, a sharp reminder of the violence that had erupted in their home.

William let out a sigh and let goes of Martha hairs

His mother gasped, rushing to his side, her hands gentle as she checked his wound. "Are you okay, Rez?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern.Rez nodded, forcing a brave smile despite the pain. "I'm fine, Mom," he assured her, though the hurt in his eyes betrayed his words.As he glanced back at his father, Rez saw a flicker of remorse in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the harm he had caused. But the damage was done, and the rift in their family seemed wider than ever before.


"What a worthless piece of trash!!" William glares at both of them before exiting, slamming the door behind him with a loud noise

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