Chapter 4

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                       Rez Willson

"The cut is not too deep, it will take sometimes to heal. Make sure she takes her medicines regularly" The doctor said as he completes wrapping the bandage around Martha's head.

"Thank you so much doctor" Rez nodded, pressing his lips together as he takes in the sight of his mother's wounded head now wrapped around by the bandage.

With a nod, the doctor walks toward the door, "seems like you're mother is stressed alot these days, take care of her Rez"

Rez sighs before answering "I will doctor, I won't let anything happen to her ever again"

Rez closes the door behind and walks back to his mother's room.
He walks toward the bed and sits next to her. He gently reaches out to grab her hand, squeezing it gently before speaking softly "Mom, I know you have been through a lot, but I promise you I won't let this happen to you ever again."

He pauses taking a deep breath before continuing  "I will never leave your side and promise to stick by forever. Sorry for being a terrible son"

He let goes of her hand and rises from the bed. Taking a final glance of her before walking toward his balcony.

He slides open the window, taking in the sigh of the world. The sky casted a perpetual warm glow on the city, with birds chirping around. Streets were packed with people running around.

Rez sighs deeply as his eyes wanders around the hustling streets.

Sliding his hands in his packet, with a swift motion he pulled out a packet of cigarette.

Pulling out a cigarette from the packet, he lit up the cigarette before pressing them in between his lips.
He shuts his eyes close as he inhales the smoke, letting the Nicotine set in and take over his find. His eyes flutter open as he exhales the smoke.

He stares out at the busy street as he continued smoking. As the nicotine began take over his mind, he gets another Flashback of the day.


"I don't think I'll be able to stay with my dad anymore" Rez slams his fist onto the table

"What's wrong?" Alex looked at him, his voice concerned.

"Did your dad and mom fight again?"

"Everyday. Not a single day have been passed I didn't saw them arguing" Rez
Spoke with a tensed jaw.

Alex looked at him before taking a step toward him "I am sorry to hear that Rez" he pats his back

"I am so fed up all these Alex, I don't how long me and my mother have to endure all these" Rez berries his face in his palm.

"You know? You should take a break"

Rez brows jolts up at his statement, and he looked at him "break? How?"

Alex smirks before pulling out a packet of cigarette from his pocket and tossing it infront of him "here"

Rez looks at the packet "cigarettes?"

"You know? Everytime I used to be stressed, I would go to the backyard of my house and smoke. It would help me feel better" Alex says with a smug grin on his face

Alex grins, taking a seat across the table looking at him "It's an escape from reality"

"But aren't they dangerous?" Rez questions as he picks up the packet from the table

"Sometimes danger can be an escape from a danger" Alex grinned looking at him, motioning him to pick up one of the joint.
"Beside life is too short to be worried about all these, enjoy it while lasts"

"Don't worry Rez, give it a shot. I am sure it will help you get a little distracted from all the chaos you're bounded into"

Rez hesitates before pulling out a joint from the packet but Alex assures him it's going to be okay.

He pulls out a joint and lit it with a lighter. Before pressing between his lips. He inhales the smoke slowly

The taste and smell of the smoke was  surprising, perhaps harsh or unpleasant at first, but he could also sense of relaxation or satisfaction that comes with the act.

He felt a flutter of nerves as he prepare to try something new and potentially taboo. As he bring the cigarette to his lips, there's a moment of anticipation, wondering what it will be like.

When he inhale, there was a  sharpness to the smoke that stings the throat and causes him to cough. The taste was unexpected, leaving an aftertaste that lingers. Alongside these physical sensations, there was a rush of adrenaline and perhaps a feeling of rebellion or experimentation.

Despite the initial discomfort, there was a potential sense of satisfaction and relaxation as the nicotine takes effect, calming nerves and creating a temporary escape from stress.

Alex grins looking at him "i guess you enjoyed smoking?"

Rez looks at him as he blew another smoke "I guess maybe".

Alex rises up from his seat and walks toward him "you should smoke often then"

Rez nodded in agreement as he continued to smoke "maybe it's not that bad"

*to the present*

Rez throws the joint on the ground before crushing it with his shoes.
"I need to quit smoking" he groans as he felt a sharp pain in his head.

"Maybe I should go for a walk" he grabs one of his coats form the hanger. As he walks toward the main door. His eyes falls onto one of his white canvas.

He picks up the canvas along with some colors "Hopefully I find some inspiration for my next painting"

Rez exits the house, walking down the busy streets of Boston, as he looks for inspiration.

As Rez Wilson strolled along the quiet cobblestone streets, his footsteps echoed softly in the evening air. The weight of his canvas nestled under his arm served as a comforting anchor, a tangible reminder of his passion for painting. He had decided to take a break from the confines of his studio, craving a moment of solace away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The gentle breeze tousled his hair as he meandered through the narrow alleyways, his eyes scanning the surroundings in search of inspiration. The golden hues of the setting sun cast long shadows across the ancient buildings, painting the sky with a palette of fiery oranges and soft pinks.

As if drawn by an invisible force, Rez found himself drawn towards a secluded spot on the edge of town, where the horizon stretched out before him in an unbroken line. The air was alive with the rhythmic lapping of waves against the shore, and the distant cry of seagulls added a sense of serenity to the scene.

"Beautiful" Rez muttered as his eyes falls onto the serene view infront of him.

Setting down his canvas, Rez took a moment to breathe in the salty sea air, feeling the tension melt away with each passing second. With a sense of purpose renewed, he carefully unfurled his materials and began to sketch the breathtaking panorama before him.

As the colors danced across the canvas, Rez lost himself in the act of creation, his brushstrokes guided by the ever-changing light of the setting sun. With each stroke, he felt a profound connection to the world around him, as if every dip of the brush was an extension of his very soul.

As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, Rez stepped back to admire his handiwork, a masterpiece born from the depths of his imagination. In that moment, he realized that inspiration could be found in the most unexpected of places, if only one took the time to seek it out. And with that revelation, he knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with nothing but his passion and a blank canvas waiting to be filled.


Rez turns around as he heard the sound of camera.

His head snaps at the direction of sound. His eyes locks with the girl, who was holding a camera in her hand, looking at him with a doe eyes "Who are you?" He asks.

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