Tender Triffles Of Love ᵛᴹᴵᴺ ᶠᶠ

25 4 16

Author: Vminchoco

Book: Tender Triffles Of Love ᵛᴹᴵᴺ ᶠᶠ

Book Cover: 2/5

The book cover is actually eye-catching, looks and feels all rainbows and butterflies. It's cute.

The first impression of a reader, when they stumbles upon this cover is, "oh this will be a cute story, full of rainbows and sunshine", but infact this isn't just fluff, as it is filled with rollercoaster emotions. So, I do suggest you to not use such a downearth fluffy cover. Use a cover that actually describes your plot. Here, you should use one which comes in between total angst and too much fluff since that's what basically your story line.

Also, I can't help but say that the author's name isn't much clear enough to view. I can't read it even though I focused on it more than I should.

Boom Title: 2/5

The book title honestly sounds unique and awesome. But, does your title matches with your plot? Unfortunately, it doesn't. Here the issue is exactly same as the issue of the book cover.

"Tender Triffles Of Love", sounds really cute and tender, as if the story line is nothing but fluff. Don't you think so? But, does the story line is just fluff? No, right? Yes, just as I mentioned before, it has fluff, but it's not only fluff, but also sadness, pain, so on. Even though the story is ongoing, I do expect some angst as well. So, I personally suggest you to use a title which describes your plot.

Description: 10/10

To be honest, I really liked the description. It's literally perfect. It isn't too much long or short. Without being too long, it manages to contains all the key factors a description actually needs. You did definitely knew how to attract the readers towards your story with that kind of description since it definitely screams the plot of the book where Jimin falls in love with his fiancée's brother, and also someone whose entirely opposite to him.

I liked the way how you used Jimin and Taehyung's dialogues from the story which basically made the description great. Since the plot and description was chef kiss, it would directly drawn the target readers into open the book and dwell into it.

First chapter: 20/20

The first chapter was awesome. I couldn't find any faults in at all.

The way everything portrayed in this chapter was literally mind-blowing. I felt like I was watching a movie or the first episode of a series.

Even though, I enjoyed every events which happened in the first chapter, I can't help but point out how much majestic was Taehyung's entry. The lights off, glass shattering, literally everything was perfect. I will explain about this part in details in the creativity section. You literally did an awesome job!

Character Development: 6/10

Jimin was ideal, well cultured, matured and full of professionalism. He was a successful business man but his personal life was nothing but a mess which indicates he was a failure in love life. It seems like he never even had a simple crush on someone. But, after he met Taehyung, something changed. His robotic boring, and stressful life became full of fun and happiness because of spending time with the other. Not only his boring, stressful life turned into exciting and fun one, but also his cold heart which never fell for anyone, starts falling for Taehyung. Later, he completely became a simp for the other. This was definitely a amazing character development one could have.

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