(1) Conversations at Dawn

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to be a poet is to inspire
to be an artist is to be admired.

Inspiration is an impossible thing. It is every where but at the same time it is no where. It did not lie in the crevasses of the Rosemary Manor nor did it reside in the chaotic mind of one Beatrice Fletcher. She saw no sign of the thing she desired most. No words came and the page remained blank. 

A groan left Beatrice's lips as she hit her book against her forehead repeatedly. 

"Sister must you express your misery so loudly?" Camila asked. Bea groaned into her book, louder this time, her eyes closed. Camila sighed and pressed her hands into the piano, a loud mix of sounds escaping the instrument. "Can't you see I'm trying to practise?" 

"Can't you see I'm wallowing in self pity?" Bea asked. She dropped her book into her lap and dramatically dropped against the sofa she was sitting on. Camila did not answer. She allowed a tight lipped smile come onto her face before she began to play almost perfectly. 

Beatrice lifted her head, her eyes landing on the younger girl. Sometimes she wondered how her siblings had turned out the way they had. The head of the Fletcher family and his wife, passed away many years ago. Their mother to childbirth of her fifth child and their father to an unfortunate illness not long after. The family reacted differently but Bea took charge. Her siblings deserved the love and affection she had received from her parents. 

Camila Fletcher was the perfect daughter. She was the daughter every member of the Ton had asked for. A perfect, smart girl who had passion for the things she held dear. She had perfected the piano and engaged in intellectual reading at such a young age. She was curious and well-mannered and found caring for living creatures was her favourite pastime. She really was the best of the family. 

"Must you play at this time?" Josephina asked as she walked into the room. Bea's eyes flickered over to the girl, her hair was undone and she did not look much happy. Cami did not look away from the keys, her fingers gracefully moving as she made a perfect melody. "I am trying to sleep." 

Josephina Fletcher, the third-eldest child. She was... difficult at times. Beatrice was fond of the girl's opinions though. She read in her spare time and gossiped with her two close friends, Eloise Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington. She did not enjoy the life that was to be set out for her like her youngest sister was. In fact she despised the idea of what was expected of her.

"You need it," Maxwell laughed. He entered the living room from the second entrance. He slumped down onto the sofa next to Beatrice, sitting on her feet. She huffed and pulled her legs closer to her.  

Maxwell Fletcher was unfortunately the only male member of the Fletcher family but their father had not minded much. He was Cami's double. Although being older than the girl (by mere minutes), he found himself playing follow the leader on a daily basis, Cami, of course, being the leader. Maxie loved his family more than anything else and often spent his time just sitting silently observing as they entertained themselves with their own activities. He was quiet but mindful. His head was full of information that he loved to share and was often found in the garden with Cami as he explained why the caterpillars she had found liked to eat Foxgloves. 

An offended scoff left Josie's lips as even Cami's concentrated face broke into an amused smile. The piano stopped. 

"Silence is all I ask, it is not much," Josie groaned. 

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