Chapter 34

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Vaemond sat the Driftwood throne, as Rhaenys left to Kingslanding to obtain her duties as Hand, Vaemond was fortunate enough to have been able to rule in Driftmark.

However news had been heard that his brother, Lord Corlys had won his war, again, but was in severe pain,"It's been six years since I last saw my brother, Maester. I must know will he live?"

"He led his sailors into an ambush, the ship made to look as if it were abandoned, in the fighting his neck was slashed by a dagger. He fell overboard into the sea. The wound was severe, much blood was lost, but the greater concern is the fever that followed. The ships maester said, 'it burns from within'."

Vaemond sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I have seen blood fever overcome men half his age. The ravens came in from?"

"Even Port, my Lord."

"So they arrive in three days"
"Let all be made ready to receive him, Maester Kravyn"

The Maester nodded and left the hall, Vaemond was certain his brother will not live. Who will be his heir?

Vaemond sat the throne, lived in Driftmark, ruled in his brother's absence and where was Jacearys?

Surely the crown would favor him, for as the past six years sent by, it wasn't a King who sat the throne, it was his heir.


Rhayn sat in the council meeting, on her father's seat, as she always did. Alicent on her left and Rhaenys on her right, all hearing to Lord Beesbury's boring news.

"-of which, um, the septons have requested that half again for a bronze bust they wish to commission for the Festival of the Mother...which I cannot recommend."

Rhayn sighed and rubbed her face, "Lord Beesbury we thank you for such an exhausting accounting. I would like to remind you that..."

As Rhayn was speaking, Ser Harrold walked through the doors, stopped and bowed, "Your guests have arrived your grace, princess."

Rhayn sighed but smiled non-the-less, "Are they comfortable, Lord Commander? Have they been escorted to their chambers?" Alicent asked.

"As you requested, your grace" he bowed once again and left the room, "It was my understanding that Lord Corlys, wished for his grandson Jacearys to succeed him as Lord of the Tides."

"The boy has been raised most of his life away from Driftmark. He can fly a dragon, yes, but can he command a fleet?" Tyland questioned..

"Ability does not alter his claim" Lord Beesbury stated, "Well the SeaSnake never formally named him as heir, if it comes to that, the Crown must choose what is best for the realm."

Rhaenys sighed and sat back in her chair, "My good-brother has been on Driftmark, ruled for the past six years and I wonder where is our Prince Jacearys" she asked, taking her cup in hand.

"Jacearys is Laenor's son, what grounds could their be..." Lord Beesbury said, "What indeed, Lord Beesbury, what indeed."

"Vaemond has a good claim and fortunately, Jacearys does to. We shall hear Princess Rhaenyra and Vaemond on the morrow" Rhayn stated, and stood up, everyone following after, "I do apologize, my lords, I must greet our guests."

Everyone bowed, Rhayn and Alicent rounded the table and linked their arms together, "I wonder what way she might get out of this one" Rhayn whispered to Alicent who just shook her head.

As the two walked up the two stairs, Ser Erryk walked after the two, "Your grace, a matter has arisen that requires your attention."

Rhayn sighed, "Whatever it is Ser Erryk, it will have to wait" she said but Erryk continued to follow, "It's about the Prince Aegon."

Both woman stopped in their stracks, "I'll get Aegon."


Dyana, a serving girl, hired for six years, helps Helaena with the children and helps the cooks, but she was neither of those.

A spy, sent by Rhaenyra, to check for any corruption in the castle, someone to sniff out every single flaw or disruption to held Rhayn accountabld for.

Something to disinherit her.

"Aegon" Rhayn said walking into his chamber, Aegon sat in bed, Aisha laughing on the floor.



Rhayn smiled and approached the two, "A matter is in need of your attention, Aegon, but I need to ask first. Was their someone in your chamber?"

"Well, yes. Dyana, the serving girl, she helps Helaena with the children. She fetched mine and Aisha's wine just now" Rhayn nodded in awe, "Aisha?"

"I think she overheard us, we spoke about my interests" Aisha said standing up from the floor, "We i-"

The door opened and everyone's attention fell on Helaena, "Sister? Have you seen Dyana, she's supposed to help me dress the children."

Rhayn nodded to Aisha and Aegon and went to Helaena, Aegon following behind, "She's quite busy, but tell me how is my grandchildren?"

Helaena's face lit up, "Aemond is with them, they are getting quite well on with Raevyn."

Raevyn was Daemon and Rhayn's last born child, a boy of one, loved by all who set their eyes on him, "Well I hope they grow up to be great friends, but please I have to get to your mother."

Leaving Helaena at her chamber door, Rhayn and Aegon made their way to Alicent's chamber, where Alicent stood smiling at a sobbing Dyana.

"-I asked him to stop, your grace. I did, truly, you must believe me" Dyana said using all her might to make the queen believe her, "Believe what?"

Rhayn and Aegon stood beside Alicent and Dyana's face fell, she hadn't thought this would happen, that her plan might fail, that Aegon would he their.

"Dyana? My sister is waiting for you."

"Oh, she won't be attending to Helaena, she has accused you of raping her. So Aegon tell, did you do it?"

Aegon's eyebrow furrowed in confusion, "I was with Aisha mother, how could I have possibly raped her if Aisha was their" he said and chuckled.

"Dyana is it? My brother has just confirmed that he never touched you, so.l, I assume you will leave this castle, go back to whatever place you came from and never speak of this, if you do, I'll burn you alive."

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