Chapter 24

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Their journey back home was particularly another two day trip, Rhayn was tired of sitting and doing absolutely nothing, so she decided a walk would be better.

She walked up the stairs to the back of the ship, her eyes caught Criston and Rhaenyra standing together. She backed down the stairs and stood hidden between the walls. "-and now the day comes."

Rhayn hadn't known what they were speaking about and continued listening, "Ser Laenor is a good and-and decent man. But you did not choose him, he was chosen for you."

"That's true."

"If there were another path, one that led to freedom, would you trade it?" Rhaenyra looked at Criston with a questionable look.

"Rhaenyra before I came here, I was a knight of the stormlands. I have deep knowledge of the port at Sunspear. I have seen the ships of Essos sail with their whole of oranges and cinnamon. I always wished to see where they went."

"Are you asking for leave?"

"I'm asking you to come with me, away from all of this, from the burden and the worries of being a princess. Let's leave it all behind and see the world, together."

Criston was ready to give everything he earned all for Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra, she didn't want that. "We'd be free to do as we like, love who we like. In Essos, you could marry me, a marriage for love not for the crown."

Rhaenyra smiled at the thought but she didn't want to leave here for a bushel of oranges or cinnamon, she walked away from him.

Soon she turned around, facing him once again, "I'm a princess Ser Criston. I may chafe at my duties but I would choose infany for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai. It is my duty to marry a noble man from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a great husband."

Rhaenyra stepped closer to Criston, "But my marriage, does not have to be the end. Ser Criston, Laenor and I have an understanding, I've granted him leave to pursue his own interests and in turn he's granted me the same."

Leave? Rhayn was confused what had transpired between Criston and Rhaenyra? Rhayn continued to listen.

"So you want me to be your whore?" Criston was shocked at Rhaenyras offer. "I want us to continue as we began with you as my sworn protector, my white knight."

"I took an oath, as a knight of your Kingsguard, a oath of chastity. I've broken it."

"I won't tell anyone."

Broken? Had Rhaenyra not only went to several brothels but sleep with her sworn protector as well?

"I've soiled my white cloak, it's the only thing I have to my fucking name. I thought if we were married I might be able to restore it."

Not wanting to hear any more, Rhayn gathered her shirts and walked away. She had to tell Alicent, she couldn't tell her father, that would be an even worse scandal.


As the royal family had returned to the Red Keep, Viserys was the first to step out of the royal carriage.

Slowly and weakly, he walked down the steps, Rhayn following shortly after. Viserys was breathing heavily as he looked to the King's guards, instantly he fell.

"Call the Maesters!"


Rhayn sat with Alicent, she had told her of what she heard and Alicent needed to know the truth. Holding Helaena in her arms Rhayn dismissed the wet nurses.

"Ser Criston, your grace."

Ser Criston entered the chamber, seeing both Queen and Princess present, he bowed his head. Alicent made her way over to the couch, motioning for Criston to join her.

Hesitantly, Ser Criston, sat next to the Queen "A few nights ago, there seems to be a rumor, or rather my father received an accounting of...a lapse of morals that may have occurred."

"It is of course unthinkable for me to question the princess's virtue, whom i hold in highest regard... but i have been wondering if."

Rhayn held Helaena tight as she began falling sleep, she wanted to know if all the lies she's told her father was true. "I am not unaware that in the flush of youth, there may be errors made, breaches in resolved. Breaches or rather lapses-"

"It happened, your grace.. the sin you allure to, i have committed it. At her instigation this happened... but that is no excuse. I have broken my oath, i have dishonoured myself. I deserve no consideration."

Rhayn knew Rhaenyra lied to their father and this proved it. Alicent was shocked, her friend lied to her, someone she had loved for so long. Lied for a man, for a cock.

"But if, as a clement queen, you are inclined to pity. I would ask only this, that rather than gelding me and having me tortured. You would send mercifully, to death" Criston was confident to what he said, he already made his peace that he night die.

Alicent had tears in her eyes, she was not capable of sending someone to death. She was not the King nor was she her father. She was no Targaryen.

"Thank you for your honestly, Ser Criston" Criston nodded his head, ready for what his queen might throw at him, Rhayn stood watching them, knowing well Alicent would never kill anyone.

"You may go."

Criston was shocked, he took his sword and left the chamber. Rhayn approached Alicent, placing her hand on Alicent's shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Alicent looked to Rhayn, tears in her eyes, "She lied. I believed her. I tried so hard to repair our friendship but she just broke the last of what there was."

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