Thrown From Within

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I set out our path, stopping Kit when the familiar whirr of Templar boots a distance away bounces from stone, making sense of where their feet are headed. She follows close behind, sticking to the shadow and only moving when I tell her to.

We move in complete silence, all the way up the Tower to the apothecary hall where I, only a few hours ago, sat and read about romance in.

Once we're there, Kit closes the door behind me and works a silencing charm on the frame. I trace the windows that overlook the lake, seeing a dock across rocky waters with a fire signal waiting to be lit.

'Look at those waves,' I whisper, almost forgetting myself. Kit meets my side and gazes out, steadying her breath when she realises the fire isn't ready.

'We've still got time.' She busies herself repacking the pack of poultices, potions, and food, and I watch her like she's already dead.

'Don't do this, Kit,' my voice is hardly a whisper, and I wonder if she's heard me. After a moment, she pauses and sighs.

'I have to, June bug,' Kit wavers before me, gripping each shoulder. 'If no other mages make it to the conclave, we're the only chance that the Divine herself will get to hear our cause. There's a whole world out there– mages fighting for our freedom as we speak. I won't stay here and ignore it.'

'But– those waves,' I try, turning my back on her and wrapping my hands around my body. 'Look at them! You'll be killed the moment you touch them. Or, on the shore there could be Templars we don't know about, or bandits. Anything could happen between here and the Temple.'

'Una-' Kit stops me. In the black reflection of windows that overlook our world, I see her twinkling eyes gazing into my soul. 'It will be OK. This is all for a cause much bigger than ourselves. And I can handle myself.'

I attempt a smile, but it falls flat. In the reflection, I picture ourselves far away – an amalgamation of imaginations and dreams, all collected into this one image. If I could only capture it, so that the world stopped spinning. 'Why didn't you come and get me? You knew where I was. And... Ungerr, I mean, don't you trust me?'

'Of course I do,' Kit whispers. 'Look at me.' I do, I turn and stare at her and search for the truth. 'I trust you more than anybody in that room. You don't lie, or exaggerate the truth, or focus only on the bad. Your word means more to me than anybody else.'


'I didn't tell you because you overthink. And then you make mistakes. I need your head to be clear for this, okay? I know you can do it, but I also know there's a voice inside which tells you, you can't... the longer you knew about our plan, the longer you'd have to second guess everything.'

My mouth parts to speak, but there's nothing to say. I smile softly and shake my head. 'How bloody annoying that you're right.'

'I always am,' Kit poses.

I embrace her and linger a moment longer than I should. 'Please don't die,' I mutter into her dreads.

'Ditto,' she whispers back. Pulling back, Kit nods once and places the pack on a table, pushing open the doming window she'll dive out of soon. 'When Ungerr comes up, you stay in the shadows before you know it's safe to move. There's staffs stashed behind the bookshelves over there. I know you don't know how to fight, but you can block and you can confuse, and you can hide. Okay? Be safe. Find dad and stay by his side. This will be over before you know it.'

'I know it,' I dead pan.

She grimaces, but is distracted instantly by the flicker of fire light at the docks. 'It's now,' she breathes. 'Ungerr should be headed up. Hide, and wait until I'm gone.'

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