Chapter 9 - Bonds of Blood

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A deafening scream like shattering glass robbed her of her orientation for a moment

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A deafening scream like shattering glass robbed her of her orientation for a moment. Lir staggered in the air, about to lower her gaze to see if Cian was all right, but then she remembered his words:

Don't look down!

Swaying, she righted herself in the air. The scream had come from the basilisk, but had Cian hit the beast? Had he been injured? Was he perhaps lying under the beast and unable to free himself?

The white raven in the sky fluttered restlessly. Lir's heart pounded heavily against her chest as if she was trapped in an invisible cage and couldn't escape. Torn, she wondered what she should do. A questioning croak emerged restlessly from her throat, but it went unanswered, and then... another scream broke through the silence of the glassy forest.

Long, pain-filled...


Lir plunged blindly into the depths. She paid no attention to the blurred outlines that loomed indefinably on the ground of the world before her. Clutching her wings close to her body, she shot like an arrow toward the scream her companion had emitted.

'No, no, no... You mustn't leave me too!'

Desperation and determination flashed in her golden eyes; then, she suddenly encountered resistance.

Sheets of glass shattered under the force of her impact. Lir felt a heavy thud, for she had shot straight for a treetop without realizing it. She followed Cian's scream, who was no longer on the open summit but must have rolled several meters down the slope with the basilisk.

Sharp edges and shards of glass pierced her feathers, inflicting cuts and abrasions. Undeterred, the raven continued to plunge through the glass ceiling of the forest into the depths, and then she finally spotted something:

Cian's spear was stuck halfway into a translucent, writhing body. The basilisk's torso was writhing and writhing in pain. White blood dripped from the wound Cian had inflicted. The creature reared up and contracted again.

Cian was thrown to the ground, and his pained moans immediately attracted the Raven's attention. He lay buried beneath a bend in the heavy serpent's body, presumably crushing him into the shards and cutting off his air. The basilisk writhed and squirmed, and then suddenly, its massive skull, still emblazoned with Lir's bloodstains, lifted in Cian's direction.

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