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"Honey! Come on let's go!" A blue haired teenager called, she was wearing a coral colored dress.

"I'm coming!" The boy called running out, he was wearing a nice suit and tie.

"Wow Sterling, you actually know how to clean yourself up." She smiled and reached out to straighten the tie. He rolled his eyes,

"Tch, whatever Austin. Or should I say Ms. Sterling?" He flirted, she turned bright before pushing him away.

"Shut up Jake! Now let's go the other's are waiting for us at the ceremony."

He sighed, "Fine Hailey, but why are you so nervous?" The question went unanswered as she dragged him by the arm.


"Jake! Hailey!" Milly smiled calling the couple over, they had just arrived into the assembly hall.

"Hi guys." Hailey greeted, she was gripping Jake's hand as she made her way over.

"So, what's it like living together?" Daisy smirked at the two. Jake groaned,

"She's so obsessed with keeping the place clean it's honestly-". He felt a tug on his hand, then he saw his lover shooting daggers at him with her eyes. "The best thing in the world, haha." He finished with.

"Well it could do you some good to be more organized Jake." Luke chuckled coming over with Zander.

He smugly stated, "Yeah you're lucky my amazing sister knows how to be efficient."

"Whatever grape lord, princess? When the dose ceremony start?" Jake asked turning to Hailey who groaned,

"Jake this is literally your honor ceremony, why don't you pay more attention?"

"Sorry! But there was a lot going on this hard term! Rosy has me going from classes to help first terms." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Elliot commented, "Jake, Rosy has all of us teaching first terms. You just occasionally pop in and explain things in detail."

"Yeah, you don't exactly teach a class for 3 hours." Daisy giggled, Jake just crossed his arms.

"Well you and Sean teach with each other Daisy. So you can't be talking. Plus I do a bunch of things you all don't know about."

They all raised an eyebrow about to ask, but he put his hand up. "No, I can't say just yet. But don't worry, you'll all see one day."

"Oh Jake! There you guys are!" Rosy smiled at them all,

"Hi Rosy." Daisy smiled as Milly eagerly jumped up and down.

"I'm so excited for this half term! Also when do awards start?"

"In 20 minuets, go take your seats in the back. Also, please enjoy your time. You only have 6 or more terms before you actually graduate." Rosy winked, Milly scrunched up her nose.

"I thought we might've this year cause we mastered our divisions?"

"No child, you still have got quite the ways to go. But you all will be teaching first terms half of each term." She chuckled, they watched her leave before going to their assigned seats.


"Hey Jake?" Hailey asked, it was now late at night. The two were lying down in the forest where everything had happened. It looked just as beautiful at night. They had finished with their ceremony a few hours ago, but remained in the same clothes.

"Yeah princess?" He said turning his head to her, she looked up at the stars.

"Do you think we'll last forever?"

He reached for her hand and didn't say anything, but after a few moments he whispered.


Wow- I'm finally done with this book. 600+ words AHHHHHHH!

Oh, you're still here? Well, I have an announcement. Abby has given me permission to share this bit of information about the upcoming sequel. Also stay for May 1st!!

The child who smiles all the time
is the one who's never fine
They who surrounds
themself with friends
wishes that their life would end.
For those who say they never knew—
the saddest leave the least of clues.

Clozy's School of Magi || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now