Drunk confession : I love her

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As the days passed after our comeback, Y/N's distance grew more pronounced, her avoidance becoming almost unbearable. She wouldn't pair with me in Run BTS, wouldn't stand next to me in performances – it felt like a constant reminder of the chasm between us, a gap I couldn't bridge no matter how hard I tried.

I found myself sinking into despair, drowning in a sea of unanswered questions. What was she protecting me from? What had I done to deserve this silent rejection? The thoughts tormented me, gnawing at my insides until I felt like I would crumble under the weight of them.

One evening, as I sat slumped on the couch with my members, the weight of Y/N's absence heavy on my shoulders, I found myself blurting out my frustrations. "Guys," I began, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. "I can't...I can't take this anymore."

My members looked at me, concern etched into their expressions. Jin hyung reached out a comforting hand, his voice soft as he spoke. "What's wrong, Jimin? You've seemed...off lately." I shook my head, unable to find the words to articulate the turmoil within me.

"It's Y/N," I finally admitted, the confession hanging heavy in the air. "She's...she's avoiding me, and I don't know why." Namjoon hyung nodded in understanding, his gaze thoughtful. "We've noticed," he said gently. "But we didn't want to pry. You and Y/N have always had a...rocky relationship."

Hoseok hyung chimed in, his tone sympathetic. "Maybe there's something going on that we don't know about," he suggested. "Maybe she's going through something, and she doesn't know how to talk about it." Yoongi hyung nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Whatever it is, you'll figure it out together," he assured me.

But as I sat there, surrounded by my members, the weight of Y/N's silence pressing down on me like a leaden cloak, I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over me. No matter how much I wanted to reach out to her, to break through the walls she had erected between us, I knew that until she was ready to let me in, I would remain on the outside, longing for a connection that seemed to slip further from my grasp with each passing day.

The dimly lit room swirled around us as I sat slumped on the couch, the weight of Y/N's absence pressing down on me like a physical force. Despite my members' attempts to console me, their words of comfort seemed to fall on deaf ears as I drowned my sorrows in the amber liquid swirling in my glass.

"I can't do this anymore," I muttered, the words slurring together as I lifted the glass to my lips once more. Jin hyung reached out, his hand gently grasping mine in an attempt to stop me, but I shrugged him off, my resolve unyielding.

"Jimin, you've had enough," Namjoon hyung urged, his voice tinged with concern. But I shook my head, the alcohol fueling my recklessness as I blurted out words I never thought I would say aloud.

"I love her," I confessed, the words hanging heavy in the air as I looked up at my members, their expressions a mixture of shock and understanding. "I love Y/N, and I can't stand to see her...avoiding me like this."

Hoseok hyung's eyes widened in realization, his hand reaching out to steady me as I swayed unsteadily on the couch. "Jimin, maybe you should stop," he suggested, but I shook my head defiantly, the truth tumbling from my lips in a torrent of emotion.

"I want to be with her," I declared, the words echoing in the hazy confines of the room. "I want to be with Y/N, but she won't even look at me."

Yoongi hyung exchanged a worried glance with the others, his voice laced with concern as he spoke. "Jimin, you need to calm down," he said firmly, but I was beyond reason, my heart laid bare for all to see.

"No, you don't understand," I insisted, the alcohol dulling the edges of my pain as I clung to the only truth I knew. "I love her, and I won't stop until she knows it."

And as I sat there, the truth of my feelings laid bare for all to see, I realized that perhaps my members had known all along – that love had a way of revealing itself, even in the darkest of moments, and that no amount of alcohol could dull the intensity of the emotions swirling within me.

The room spun around me as I drowned my sorrows in yet another glass of alcohol, the bitter taste doing little to numb the ache in my heart. With each sip, the weight of my mistakes pressed down on me like a heavy burden, threatening to crush me under its relentless force.

"It's all my fault," I muttered, the words choked with emotion as I buried my head in my hands, the tears flowing freely now. "I was oblivious... I could've... I had a chance before..."

But now, it was too late. Now that I finally understood the depth of my feelings for Y/N, it felt as though the chasm between us had widened beyond repair. How could I face her now, knowing what I knew? How could I even go to work, knowing that our mere awkward relationship had been irreparably shattered?

The truth hit me like a sledgehammer to the chest – Y/N likely hated me now. And who could blame her? I had been blind to her feelings, too wrapped up in my own insecurities to see what was right in front of me. And now, it was too late to turn back the clock, too late to undo the damage I had unwittingly wrought.

With each passing moment, the realization sunk in deeper – nothing could fix what was broken between us. Not anymore. And as I sat there, lost in the depths of despair, I knew that I had only myself to blame for the mess I had made.



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