As the sun rise up shining its beautiful light on nacrene city our adventurers wakes up on another beautiful day. ash was still sleeping without a care in the world. Wake up ash! a female voice shouted followed by Pikachu's thunderbolt ash was shocked off his bed to see lenora wearing her apron forward looming over him and pikachu on her shoulder. did you really had to wake me up like that? We tried everything but you wouldn't wake up i'm surprised that you were always on time when you went to school. ash followed lenora downstairs where everyone was eating breakfast. morning ash hilda said Cheerfully. morning guys. so your finally doing what you always dreamed of Abby spoke. yep i've alway wanted to challenged the pokemon league and become an electric pokemon master. i'm suprised that you were the type of person to planned this. well i planned this until summer break. hey abby how long have you known ash? well we've been friends since our parents knew each other of course we go to school together. do you by any chance go to unova Public school hilbert spoke. yes? we go there too. Really i never noticed. yeah basically everyone just head straight to the next class when the bell rings. you know me and hawes sometimes teach at U.P.S have i ever told you of how me and hawes met? hawes was sweating due to the embarrassing memories of how he met lenora. lenora chucked hawes and i met when We were both freshmen in college and were roommates ever since. lenora told the story of how She and hawes met. and since then we decided to get married and started a family together. and if dad couldn't get any more nerdy abby spoke. just wait until you seen the pictures. NOOO! hawes shouted. everyone started laughing. now energized our group headed to the gym were ash and hilbert are going to face lenora ash and hilbert had a rock paper scissors duel to see who goes first ash won and headed to his Spot across from him was lenora who was smiling at ash hawes stand from outside the area and announced this will be a double battle will each trainer Bring out there pokemon lenora sent out watchog and herdier ash sent out blitzle and galvanchula. a blitzle i Guess elesa really wants you to shine just like her. well you know her. herdier use bite on galvanchula but dodged it watchog use crunch on blitzle
blitzle tried to dodge it but was too slow causing her pain blitzle slowly got up after that attack galvanchula use string shot to slow herdier
herdier attempted to use a tackle take down combo but galvanchula use dig to escape And appeared under herdier using poison fang now herdier was slowed and poisoned. Finish it with bug bite! ash shouted. galvanchula use bug bite on herdier defeating it ash returned galvanchula now blitzle stand alone against watchog blitzel tried to tackle watchog but watchog doged
watchog use it illuminate ability combing it with hypnosis. don't look at it blitzel!
blitzel tried to look away but was entranced watchog use crunch on her dealing damage as blitzel tried to fight the entrancement watchog use crunch over and over until blitzel couldn't stand but blitzel refused to give up She slowly got up and bashed her head on the floor surprising both ash and lenora now freed from her entrancement blitzel learned dazzling gleam to turn the tides of battle shocking everyone watchog was Stunned by this and recklessly use dizzy punch but blitzel dodges it with quick attack and strike with spark defeating watchog. watchog and herdier are unable to battle ash is the winner! everyone cheered Ash ran up to blitzel and use a heal potion. you did great out blitzel
blitzel nieighed happy lenora clapped and approached the two. i hope you know that your parents are proud of you. lenora gave ash the basic badge ash was extremely excited that he got his second badge and now it was hibert's turn Time skip lenora clapped as she awarded hilbert the basic badge. wow that hypnosis is no joke. you be surprised of how we train our pokemon. i've been meaning to ask why are you a gym leader if your and archaeologists. well when i was a kid i always wanted to be a pokemon trainer but i started getting into archaeology when i met hawes he Also wanted to be a pokemon trainer to but he was more interested in ancient history. then what's with the apron? well i honestly have no idea i always worn it when cooking and it looks great with my outfit so i wear to work backwards so it doesn't get in the way i even worn this ever since i had Agnatha.
Suddenly glass shattering was heard the group frantically head towards the exhibit area and find team Plasma grunts searching for something while making a mess out of the exhibits. HEY! what do you think your doing! lenora shouted as the grunts turned there attention to the group one of them demanded to know Where is the dark stone lenora doesn't know what there talking about but she actually knows of it
Don't lie to us! the grunt shouted i know you scum are keep it if you don't tell us then we'll force you to tell us!
The grunts sent out scolipede drapion and gliscor Since hilbert had already battled his pokemon were not looking so good but lenora step joining ash and hilda. we will handle it. lenora sent out watchhog hilda sent out snivy and ash sent out tynamo scolipede drapion and gliscor used poison sting on the trio but thanks to there small size they easily dodged it watchog use an illuminate hypnosis combo entrancing them snivy used leech seed to drain there energy tynamo use an quick attack discharge combo knocking them out the grunts attempted to flee but was stop by snivy using vine whip to bind them and tynamo using thunder bolt to stunned them after the battle the police Soon arrived arresting the grunts along with there pokemon the officers help clean and repair the exhibits Officer jenny questioned if they have stolen anything Lenora shook her head. no but they did were demanding to know where the dark stone is. the dark stone but isn't in a vault in the museum? what's the dark stone? ash spoke. the dark stone is a mysterious relic it has been said to have connections with zekrom On of the legendary trio that are said to be part of the original dragon. the original dragon? the original dragon is said to be the strongest dragon type pokemon in the world and the dark stone it was donated by the people of the village of dragons. the village of dragons what's that? it's a place near opelucid city it was the first settlement in unova the people there have a strong connection with dragon type pokemon. wow a whole village that worship dragon pokemon cool! hilda spoke. one the police left The group went back to Lenora's house and began to pack there stuff. going to the next gym i see lenora spoke ash she appeared in the door way. nope we're gonna head for the village of dragons. guess that little history lesson got you interested hmm. well that and we wanna see all the pokemon they have there hilbert Spoke. ash saw abby in the hallway and called out to her. hey abby i guess this is goodbye. well it was nice to see you agin ash can i tell you something? sure thing. i wanna give this trainer thing a shot. really what changed your mind. well i'm not actually gonna become a trainer just trying it. go for it abby once you try it i guaranteed you'll enjoy it. i see you have been getting along with your boyfriend lenora chucked as she stand in the hallway. MOM! BOYFRIEND!? Ash and abby shouted. when the group waved goodbye to lenora and her family abby shouted wait the group stop as abby walked up towards ash and hugged him Ash was blushing and could not comprehend this abby spoke. it was great seeing you agin thank your for staying with us. ash hugged back as the group left abby shouted. hey I'll sometimes ok? I'll call you too ash shouted. so i see you have a girlfriend hilbert joked. s-shut up! hey ash what did abby mean when she said she was giving the trainer thing a shot well Abby isn't much of a trainer she studies ancient history like her parents so she hasn't got the time to be a pokemon trainer she was always strict when it come to education and she always scolded me for sleeping in even if I arrived on time. she sounds busy. well she hasn't had many since she was always focused on her school work and that's when i met here flashback we see abby sitting against the door of the music room crying she remembers of how she's always strict and focused on here school work that people tend to avoid her deep down when she enrolled into this school she always wanted to make friends but I guess this was a foolish dream she thought to herself she continued crying until she heard a voice from the other side of the door. why are you crying? she talked to the voice about her troubles and wonders if she just give up but the voice spoke. if you give up then you stop being yourself and explain that it doesn't matter what other people think you should always be yourself. you think so? i know so... r-right i gotta tex someone real quick on her phone we see here username normie texting someone called elekid suddenly a message notification sound was heard from the other side of the door. what was that? hold on i just got a tex... hey you by any chance are normie right? yes how do you know? wait are you elekid!? y-yes. the door proceeds to open revealing a familiar boy with white skin and black hair end of flash back and that's how I met abby. How romantic! hilda shouted. I guess you got a keeper. ash look at hilbert with a death glare and the intention of killing him. ok man i was joking. ash rotom phone began ringing as elesa was calling him. hi son Lenora told me all about the battle and she also called me about the incident I called to see if you ok. I'm fine mom we ended up capturing those grunts. Elesa sighed in relief. oh ash how fun what it was seeing your girlfriend. MOM! hilda hilbert and elesa laughed as ash blushes with embarrassment.End
Characters in episode
Ash 10
Abby/agnatha 10
Hilda 14
Hilbert 14
Hawes probably 30s or 20s
Lenora 35+?

The electric prodigy
AdventureBasically and alternate timeline where elesa is ash's mom This will take place in the Pokemon adventures manga and the games and anime into one so spoilers ahead Oh and also Pikachu will be ash's partner as usual