Abby's adventure

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Back in nacrene city we see abby who's looking up what is the best pokemon as a companion lenora knocked on the door. abby come out to dinner. i'll be right there mom. abby head downstairs to dinner as the family was eating lenora notice a strange look on in her daughter's eyes. abby sweetie is there something wrong? n-no nothings wrong. lenora could sense something was wrong hawes offered to talk to her but lenora declined she wanted to see what was going on as lenora and hawes went off to work abby wanted to come with them as this was on her weekend this was new to hawes and lenora as there daughter was always a shut in studying and cleaning the house on her weekends she rarely goes outside the only she ever goes out is when she needs to study an assignment at nacrene history museum only this time she didn't read books are writing an essay she was observing her mother's battles against challengers

Her mother and father noticed this hawes started to worry about his daughter's wellbeing but lenora could see an adventurous spirit waiting to bloom at the house abby called her parents downstairs. mom dad there's something i want to confess. whatever is troubling you don't worry we'll understand. i-i was thinking of going on a pokemon journey. that's great sweetie i always wondered when you would go out and get some fresh air. i thought you would say that lenora spoke. w-wait you knew!? you knew about this the whole time honey? did you really think I wouldn't notice don't think your slick i maybe a gym leader but I'm also your mother i didn't think talking to you about it would be a great idea so what changed your mind?

Well since ash and his friends came he well... inspired me to be one because i didn't had many friends because i was always studying and cleaning the house instead of staying at home all day i wanted to be like ash challenging gym leaders and bonding with pokemon I just didn't had the courage to tell you about

Sweetie just because you wanted to go on a journey doesn't mean you have to keep it a secret from us we were also like you when we were young
if we weren't interested in pokemon battles then i wouldn't be a gym leader and the museum wouldn't have a gym either.

T-thank you mom. oh that reminds me abby could you take herdier for a walk. ok mom. as abby left hawes notice a spark of an idea in his wife. are you thinking what i'm thinking. it took a while for hawes to comprehend until he realized it. o-ooooh i get it. meanwhile abby took herdier to a route near the wild area as the two traveled abby talked to herdier if he thinks she's ready herdier nodded supporting her decision abby took herdier to her favorite spot to read a sitrus tree on a small hill abby notice a large rock. has this rock always been here? herdier shrugs of course he knew what it was but decided not to tell her because he thinks this will be good for her as abby took the leash of herdier abby decided to sit on the rock as the rock was on the exact same spot where she read as a group of swanna flew by abby could feel the breeze. is this what ash talked about? she thought

As abby felt the breeze flowing she couldn't help but to whistle ( insert protoman's theme ) and abby synchronized with the breeze she suddenly gained confidence she stood and yelled. THE JOURNEY STARTS TODAY! man that felt good. abby pick some sitrus berries of the tree and ate some. yum! abby look at herdier want some? herdier nods abby gave herdier some sitrus berries and abby picked more of them unbeknown to abby a giant hand came to get some berries. now now snorlax there's plenty more where that came from as abby herdier and snorlax began eating the berries abby suddenly stop. SNORLAX! abby fell off snorlax as herdier laughed. you knew about this didn't you! abby angrily shouted abby then turns to snorlax. i alway thought that rock was off she thought. a breeze flow passed abby. is it getting chilly?

Come on herdier let's go home as abby and herdier went home abby noticed snorlax following them. can i help you she asked the snorlax but he didn't answered
abby shrugs this off and continued walking only for snorlax continued to follow her abby turned around to see snorlax behind them this kept continuing until abby got a little irritated and confronted the snorlax. ok what is it that you want? snorlax didn't answered i'm not leaving this spot until you tell me what is it that you want. isn't it obvious lenora spoked. mom dad what are you doing here and why is professor juniper here?

Since you wanted to go on a pokemon journey we contacted professor juniper and told her about it we were gonna take you to the lab to get a starter pokemon but i guess you've already found one. but i thought only water fire and grass type could be a starter. any pokemon can be a starter though it is strange why it's even regulation juniper explained. juniper gave abby 30 pokeballs and a rotom phone . so are you gonna catch him? abby nods and turn to snorlax will you be my friend? abby offered the pokeball to snorlax he took the pokeball examining a little and decided to eat it WAIT WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO EAT IT!? Everyone shouted as snorlax tried to eat the pokeball it activated and captured snorlax. i guess this is his way of saying yes.... hawes explained abby's pokedex pinged Snorlax has been registered to your Pokedex:
Snorlax the sleeping pokemon a normal type snorlax spends there days eating and sleeping they can eat over 900 pounds of food since this species has the most fat when landing on one its belly act like a cushion and some people either use them as pillows beds or even trampolines.

Come on out snorlax abby releases snorlax since your my friend your gonna need a name abby though of it for a moment and came up with the perfect name everyone wanted to know what the name was. From now on your name will be... JUMBO JOSH! ( A/N I always wanted to get a snorlax and name it jumbo Josh ) s-sorry i'm not good with names everyone fell down due to how ridiculous that name sounds but whatever. I'm hope you and Josh will become great friends juniper spoke

Now that you have your first pokemon why don't you and Josh come challenge me at the gym lenora asked
w-wait as in a gym challenge!? lenora nods b-but we haven't even get to know each other or train. I'm aware of that but it's the bond between pokemon and trainer that matters you gotta trust your Pokémon's instincts and they'll trust yours. Okay mom let's do this! everyone head out to nacrene gym as lenora and abby took there place while hawes was the ref and juniper observed from the side lines. Let the battle begin hawes shouted abby sent out Josh while lenora had a smirk on her face and sent out sawsbuck.

A sawsbuck but wait why didn't you it during your battle with ash and hilbert? i wanted it to be a surprise when they challenged me in the pokemon league but I guess you can get a sneak peek now let's go! use hyper beam! sawsbuck unleash a devastating hyper beam at Josh but he surprisingly dodged it way to fast for a normal snorlax. No snorlax could even reach that speed juniper comment use belly drum! Josh sets up belly drum increasing his ATK use mega horn! sawsbuck charges at Josh with mega horn but something happened instead of Josh taking damage his large belly cushion the impact sending sawsbuck flying and taking damage. W-what just happened abby thought everyone was surprised by this well well it seems we discovered a new ability lenora explained really! the that Josh use his belly to block attack and cause damage is unheard of juniper explained. This is a new ability Josh only has abby though i got it! don't be afraid to go all out with your ability shock absorption

Shock absorption? that's a fitting name alright sawsbuck use tackle! sawsbuck charged at Josh using tackle this time but Josh stopped it with his hand we got them where we want them use giga impact! Josh uppercut with a devastating giga impact defeating sawsbuck

Sawsbuck is unable to battle the winner goes to abby everyone clapped congratulations sweetie i present you the basic badge t-thanks mom! Lenora and her daughter embrace each other our little baby is starting to grow up lenora and hawes started to weep tears of joy as the everyone started to head back home. Lenora received a message on her rotom phone strange who could that be?... oh no what happened mom? ash and his friends got attacked by team plasma WHAT! are they okay!? there fine they manage to fend off the attacker the P.M.L is issuing meeting at castelia city your friends are there recovering in a pokemon center come on everyone let's go.

The news of the team plasma incident reach almost the entire unova region and even the world all unova gym leaders were called to a meeting to discuss the situation but will they find out about team plasma true motives as the journey continues.


Characters in episode
Abby 10
Juniper 30
Hawes 30
Lenora 35

Pokemon that appeared in episode
Lenora's herdier
Lenora's sawsbuck
Jumbo Josh the snorlax
Abby's rotom phone

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