CHAPTER 1 : New Life

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There you were, sitting on your bed, staring into the void, thinking about what you're going to do in this orphanage. You've recently lost your only legal guardian who could take care of you, your sister. Her tragic accident was painful for your little heart, the last member of your family gone, you were the only one of your family alive. Your mother died giving birth to you; this event was too much for your poor father who ended his... and now... your sister... gone as well.

Feeling like a child who couldn't take care of yourself, you were relocated from your home to an orphanage known as Playcare. The place was nice; everyone seemed to be happy when you arrived today, except you, and you were fine with that. You lift your head to check out the time, and it's 8:30 pm.

"Y/n: It's 8:30 pm already? Time is flying fast these days. I better get to—"

As you were finishing talking, you heard a door opening accompanied by children talking loudly.

"Random kid: Come on, DogDay, can we please play a little more?

Random kid: Yeah, we were having so much fun."

DogDay: "I'd like to, but it's time for you guys to go to bed. It's very important to get a good night's sleep."

Every child: "Haaaawwwwww."

"Y/n: DogDay? Who's DogDay?"

You went to check who this "DogDay" was, and what you saw made your jaw drop open: a tall anthropomorphic dog proudly walking with the kids around him. As you stared at him from far away, the tall furry dog saw you in the corner of his eye.

"DogDay: (thinking) * that a kid? What is he doing there? Why wasn't he with us outside? Is he new? I'm gonna go see him after I put the kids to their room.*

DogDay: Alright, everyone, it's time to go to bed. Everyone go to your room and OH YEAH, I almost forgot. Catnap is coming to put you guys to sleep; a lot of you kids are having trouble falling asleep."

"Random kid: Catnap?"

"Random kid: He scares me."

"Random kid: Please, DogDay, make us go to sleep. Catnap creeps me out."

DogDay: "Catnap is that terrifying? I know he's a bit scary for you kids, but trust me, he's very kind and gentle."

All of the kids: "Ookkaayy."

All of the kids went into their rooms; some of them are trying to fall asleep fast to avoid encountering Catnap. As the kids all went into bed, DogDay went in your direction. Scared, you quickly went into your room and closed the door behind you.

"Y/n: Did he see me?"

*Knock knock*

DogDay: "Hello, are you in there?"


DogDay: "Look, kid, I'm not trying to scare you; I just want to talk to you."

You opened the door to the dog, and he was indeed very tall.

"Y/n: Hello, I...I...I was..."

DogDay: "No need to be scared, kiddo (stroking your hair). My name is DogDay; I'm the leader of the Smiling Critters in this orphanage. And you are?"

"Y/n: My name is Y/n; I came here today."

DogDay: "Ooooohh, that's why you weren't with us outside. Wait... did you eat!?"

"Y/n: No, I didn't have dinner today (embarrassed)."

DogDay: "I'm sorry, Y/n, but I think we don't have anything left back at the cafeteria. Let me go see if PickyPiggy has something with her."

"Y/n: Picky who?"

DogDay: "She's a Smiling Critter like me; maybe I can introduce the whole team to you tomorrow. I'll be back, so don't move, okay?"

"Y/n: Yes, sir."

DogDay: "Angel, you can call me by my name (laughing)."

As DogDay leaves your room to find something for you to eat, you started to wonder what this "Smiling Critter group" was. As you were trying to guess who was part of the Smiling Critters, you heard your door slowly opening.

"Y/n: DogDay? Is that you? (You asked)"

...: "Why aren't you in bed?"

You couldn't see who was talking to you in the halls due to the low lighting of the halls, but it was definitely not DogDay.

"Y/n: Who are you and what do you want? (You asked again)"

A large purple cat came out of the darkness. This obviously scared you as you weren't ready to see a huge skinny cat staring at you.

"Y/n: *screaming*"

Catnap: "Wait, wait, oh crap, I didn't mean to scare you; please stop screaming."

"Y/n: What do you want from me? (Still scared)"

Catnap: "I don't want anything from you; I'm just here to make sure you're sleeping well. My name is Catnap, so I guess you can see the correlation with my "job" here. Anyways, what's your name? I haven't seen you here before; are you new?"

"Y/n: Yes, I'm new here, and my name is Y/h."

Catnap: "That's a cute name, Y/n; let me tuck you into your bed. It's almost 9 pm, and you're still not sleeping."

"Y/n: But I'm not sleepy yet."

Catnap: "Let me help you with that."

Red smoke comes out of Catnap's mouth; you accidentally breathe some of it and you fall asleep immediately.

Catnap: "Goodnight, Y/n; see you tomorrow."

10 minutes later

DogDay: "Hey, Y/n, sorry I took some time, but Picky only gave me a"

DogDay saw you deep asleep on your bed, calmly snoring.

DogDay: "Oh well, my fault for being slow; guess I need to give Picky her candy bar back."

The End

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