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Dream POV:

After I breathed in the red gas released by Catnap, I quickly went to sleep on my bed. I woke up in another place, the soft bed was now a field filled with red flowers. I couldn't be sure what kind of flowers they were, but I didn't care. In my dream, I was laid down, relaxing, and enjoying the fresh, clean air. Everything was perfect until I heard a BANG.


The noise caused me to wake up from my sleep. I looked around to see what caused this loud bang, and I saw nothing.

Y/n: Was that my imagination? I guess it was nothing then.

I tried to go back to sleep, but I still wasn't convinced that the noise came from my imagination. Something caused the noise, and I was sure that it was someone.

Y/n: Okay, I can't sleep without knowing who caused that noise.

I got out of my bed and checked everywhere in my room if someone was hiding, but found nothing. I even peeked out of my bedroom, but saw nothing.

Y/n: Oh well, I'm probably just going nuts. What time is it? It's 3 am... I just need some sleep.

I looked at my bed and there was a plushie, a cat plushie.

Y/n: What in the world is this? It wasn't there before, was it?

I picked the stuffed animal up in my arms, and it kinda looked like that Catnap that helped me go to sleep. The fur, the color, and the scent, just like Catnap.

Y/n: It looks exactly like them, but smaller, and with a huge smile. The person who gave me this plush must be very kind.

I went back to my bed with the plush in my arms. The scent of the stuffed animal helped me a lot to fall asleep. It reminded me of Lavender.



Y/n: It's already morning...

« Turned the alarm off »

Y/n: Oh well, at least I got a nice sleep. Thanks to this plush I randomly found on my bed.

« Door opens »

DogDay: Rise and shine y/n, OH, you're already up (laughing). The kids usually ignore the alarm when it's going off.

Y/n: If I had a hard night, I would've done it, but this plush helped me a lot. (shows the Catnap plush to DogDay)

DogDay: Awwww, it's soo cute. Where did you get it?

Y/n: You're not gonna believe me, but I found it on my bed yesterday night around 3 am.

DogDay: what?

Y/n: I mean, I know it sounds weird, but... yeah, it is weird. I have no idea how it got there last night.

DogDay: Don't worry about it too much (embarrassed). Come join the others for breakfast. You must be really hungry from yesterday. You haven't even eaten.

As I followed DogDay to go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast with the other kids, I saw a green bunny and a yellow chicken with another group of orphans.

Y/n: DogDay, do you know them (pointing towards the other critters)?

DogDay: Y/n, it's not good to point, but to answer your question, these are my best friends, Kickin Chicken and Hoppy Hopscotch.

Y/n: What are they gonna do with the other orphans?

DogDay: It's another group of orphans that are under the responsibility of these two. I think they already took their breakfast and they're about to go do some sports, maybe soccer or baseball.

Y/n: Oh ok, they seem nice.

DogDay: Yeah, they are nice. Anyways, let's not be late for breakfast. I think Craftycorn already took the rest of the kids to the cafeteria.

I went to the cafeteria to join the other orphans, but on my way, I felt like somebody was watching me from a distance, just like when I found that plush on my bed last night.

45 minutes later

DogDay: Alright, everyone finished their breakfast, and wow, they left a bit of a mess here (laughing).

Craftycorn: Do you need my help cleaning?

DogDay: No thanks, I think I have this under control. How about you help the other orphans go to school, please?

Craftycorn: Oh, ok DogDay.

"Craftycorn leaves the room"

DogDay: Alright, time to find a sponge and to... y/n, is that you? You haven't eaten your bowl of cereal.

Y/n: I know, I just don't feel good, I'm scared.

DogDay: Angel, why are you scared (wraps arms around you)? What is scaring you, Angel?

Y/n: Well... since I came here, nothing but strange events occurred. Feeling observed everywhere I am and finding a Catnap plush on my bed. I don't know what's happening.

DogDay: I think I know what the problem is (thinks of Catnap's weird ways).

Y/n: Really? What is it?

DogDay: It's... (tries to find an excuse), just because you had a bad dream.

Y/n: But I didn't get a nightmare last night.

DogDay: You probably did but didn't remember. It's normal here, new kids usually have these weird senses (best excuse he got).

DogDay helped me clean after I ate my breakfast. I felt better knowing that I could talk about my problems to DogDay or maybe the other critters. I joined the other kids who were getting ready for a day in school.

DogDay: It's good to see y/n being happy and less afraid. Anyways, I need to go meet Catnap. He needs to stop this attitude; it's scaring the crap out of y/n.

DogDay started to go to Catnap's house, a big purple scratch tree, a bit isolated from the other critters' houses. The whole place smelled like the gas that Catnap releases. DogDay went in the door and knocked three times.




DogDay: Catnap, can we talk please?

The end

(Sorry I took a bit longer to release this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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