3. Stuck in Reverse

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Stuck in Reverse

The farewell scenes were no more dramatic than in an average year. The girl only had her mother left. Surrounded by three younger siblings, her mother embraced her sobbingly, but without losing a word. The boy, on the other hand, still had both parents, but no siblings. Haymitch recognized the father; he was a well-known blacksmith in the District. Something about his mother's face also looked familiar to him, but he couldn't recall what it was. Or when. He didn't notice the angry glance she threw his way.

Effie Trinket was busy discussing the schedule with Petunia. Once everyone was on the train, nothing more could be changed, but everything had to happen very quickly beforehand. At least, that's what she had made clear to Haymitch in a stern tone before rejoining Petunia. However, he was always the first on the train. He didn't bother bringing luggage – the Capitol always ensured a full wardrobe. Besides, there was nothing in District 12 worth delaying his boarding for.

Thus, Haymitch, without waiting for the Capitol women or the tributes, headed straight to the car to drive to the train. The only thing he cared about was his alcohol, and there was plenty of it on board. The sole perk of the Capitol. However, since there was only one car, the driver had no choice but to wait for the rest.

So, when they finally arrived at the train, Haymitch had to push past two infuriatingly irritating Capitol citizens and two uncomfortably shuffling children to disappear into the familiar coolness of the train-car. Easier said than done. While Trinket and the dragon basked in the flashbulb frenzy, smiling and turning in all directions, Haymitch was already itching to get this year over with. So far, he had ignored the two tributes as much as possible, a standard procedure for him and one that would not change in the coming weeks.

Now, he wanted to make short work of the reporters. When a brightly dressed woman asked for his opinion on his new escort and how he assessed her future chances, he simply said, "It can only go uphill from here."

Petunia shot him a venomous look before turning back to the cameras. Not that Haymitch had any particular sympathy for Effie, but practically anyone in this country would be better suited for the escort-job. Except, perhaps, the head of the snake himself, Snow.

Somehow, the rest of the group picked up on Haymitch's pace, so that after he boarded the train, the others followed just a few seconds later. Effie gave him an appreciative look, which he only understood when her eyes subsequently fell on the clipboard in her hand and the schedule outlined on it.

Haymitch curled his lips in disdain. However, he had no opportunity to make a derogatory comment as the car doors closed behind them at that moment. Effie breathed a sigh of relief, which immediately earned her a reproachful look from Petunia. He had to suppress his schadenfreude.

As the train gently started moving beneath them, Haymitch took it as his cue to disappear. Without giving his Capitol colleagues another glance, he left them with the two tributes and headed straight for the bar.

Let another year of this nightmare begin.


Thrown off by Haymitch's wordless departure, Effie turned to Elowen and Ramon. However, remembering her next agenda item, her mouth corners curled upwards. "Come, I'll show you to your rooms."

The two tributes followed Effie in silence. Neither had spoken a word yet – neither to her nor to each other. Effie could see Elowen's frightened face in the long corridor mirrors. Ramon, on the other hand, just stared straight ahead, but Effie was sure that his inner turmoil was quite different. Coping with the aftermath of the Reaping was not easy for every tribute, as she had been informed during her training before taking up her position.

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