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Words couldn't describe how scared I was.
Not just nervous, or worried, but scared.
After waiting for a while, I was sure Hermione wasn't going to show up, but then I remembered I was at least 30 minutes early.
All of a sudden, she was there, looking nervous, but also she seemed very happy, which was a good sign. Not to mention, she looked so, so pretty.
"Hello, Draco. I wasn't expecting you so early.", said Hermione, who was obviously much better at starting conversations than I was.
   "Er, yes. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't late, or looked stupid, or forgot....". Great. Now I was surely looking like a complete idiot.
Hermione was just smiling, nodding politely, and looking into my eyes with the beautiful, deep, caramel brown color of her eyes.
Finally, I gathered my senses, and said, "Well, I expect that we should probably go to the Three Broomsticks."
"Ok! That sounds great.", said Hermione.
There wasn't many people in the Three Broomsticks, because apparently there was a quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
We were seated in a quiet booth near the fireplace.
"So...", I started lamely. "Have you heard about the Yule Ball?".
"Yes, I have.",she said, sounding interested. "Even though I have no idea at all how to dance.", she said, laughing slightly.
"I could teach you. My mother taught me one Christmas, when I was younger.". I smiled softly at the memory.
"Would you? I would love it if you did.", responded Hermione, sounding relieved.
The rest of the date went as I assume normal dates go; we talked about classes, teachers, quidditch matches, and books. (That was my favorite topic - most of the Slytherins only read when they absolutely had to.)
All in all, I enjoyed it immensely. I hope Hermione enjoyed it too. She seemed too, anyway.
After telling Luna every single detail of the date, from what he wore, to what we talked about, I had to study for Ancient Runes. I was the only one left in the common room. I was sitting in a armchair facing a window, that had a very old, very big Sycamore tree almost touching it.
  I must have fell asleep for a moment, because the next thing I knew, Draco was softly whispering for me to wake up.
"Draco....How did you....?", I whispered, but then I noticed the window was open, and one of the Sycamore's ancient leaves was on the sleeve of Draco's jacket.
"You wanted me to teach you how to dance, yeah? I have the perfect place.". Then, he took my hand, which had my heart pounding, then took me to the window, then stood on one of the tree's ancient branches, without ever letting go of my hand. We climbed a little higher, and then we stopped when we reached the astronomy tower. He pulled me onto the roof, and the sight was absolutely breathtaking. The millions of stars in the sky reflected onto the Black lake. The Forbidden Forest looked mysterious, and yet beautiful at the same time. The moon lit up every thing.
"Okay, follow my lead." Said Draco. "One, two, three, one, two, three....".
After I had gotten the hang of it, we were dancing across the moonlight tower, and it felt like we were the only two people left in the world. Perhaps we were. I don't know if I would have noticed, or even cared.
His eyes - his eyes were millions of shades of gray, like a million stars made into one beautiful star.
All of a sudden, he kissed me.
It wasn't like how Ron used to kiss me, at all. He was full of love, and kindness. I kissed him back.
We started waltzing again.
After a while, both of us were tired, so we sat against the cool marble of the castle towers.
"Hermione," he started, sounding nervous, "I know this is very sudden, but, will...will you be my girlfriend?".
My heart stopped. Time stopped for a second, or an eternity. I can't decide which.
"Draco, of course. Of course, of course..... I love you."
I don't know what made me say the last part, but it was entirely true.
His eyes filled with tears of happiness, and we were left alone in our blissful little universe, filled with happiness, love, and everything in between.
Omg I almost started crying writing this, and now my family thinks I'm crazy lol.
(I know I say that in a lot of chapters, but I am absolutely in love with this one.) I know they they have only been on agreeing terms for like a week, but I love it lol
Pls let me know in the comments if there is anything you would like to see!
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