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A/N(slight trigger warning ⚠️) : This chapter has parts containing sexual harassment, physical harm, dark thoughts, drug abuse, and self-harm/suicide. DO NOT READ! If you are sensitive to any of these topics. Stay safe(^_^)

Enjoy your reading!! :)

'Ayla looked up to see Miku staring deeply into her eyes. His mesmerising red orbs sparkled as he stared at her from behind the soft auburn locks that kept falling into his eyes.

"I love you, Ayla, so please...stay.." he mumbled while slightly leaning closer.

"Forgive me...for what I'm about to do." Ayla unsheathed her sword and drove it into Miku's heart. "I had no choice."

All Miku could think as his life slipped away was how he'd never ever hate the girl who just killed him. He smiled softly, for he was now free.'

"WHAAT! OH! NO! YOU! DON'T!" I can't believe this. I had read 3 books, 2500 pages, 309 chapters, all for nothing.

I flipped the book over looking for missing pages. I was definitely missing something. This can't be the end of the book. Can it?

To my utter disappointment (and horror), there were no missing pages. It really was the end of the book.

"Why, writer? Why? Is torturing innocent readers fun for you?" I grumbled softly while waving my fist in the air.

My dedication. My hard work. All gone. All for nothing.

I curled up on my tiny bed, silently cussing Zirled, the writer of ' A Befallen Godess'. How dare he?! Oh! If I ever met him...

I know you think I'm overreacting, but trust me, I'm not. But first, let me explain the plot of this masterpiece.

The book follows the journey of Ayla, a goddess who has been kicked out of Ilen (land of the gods) to Anuzyn (part of the mortal world). The reason why she is banished is never explained.(UGHH!!)

All her powers are stripped off her, and the only way to get them back is by doing something that will please the gods. She starts her journey looking for her mission.

Everyone she meets along the way is willing to help her due to her out of the world beauty as well as her charming character(basic protagonist).

The first two books go by as smoothly as possible, and she even has a mini harem now.

Her main issue is the crown princess of the empire, who is also extremely powerful. We'll get to her later...

Anyway, in the third book, she starts acting strangely, and it ends with her killing the love of her life. Weird, right?!

Now you see why I'm so frustrated. No warning. No explanation. Nothing. Talk about a cliffhanger ( Zirled when I catch you...)

The worst part is that there is no continuation of the series. Zirled decided to stop writing the books, and he just left us there.

"I can't believe it. I waited for that book. Two. Whole. years. It's so sad ....and it's my birthday." It's not like it mattered anyway...

The best part of the books wasn't the plot or even how interesting they were. It was the fact that they gave me hope and helped me to keep getting up. Sometimes I wondered if maybe... just maybe....I had an Ilen of my own.

Sighing, I lifted a loose floorboard and hid my book in there. My parents didn't let me have things of my own at all, so I always hid my books from them.

The only reason I had the book in the first place is because I found it in my locker that morning. No note or anything. It couldn't have been an accident. Strangely enough, that's also how I'd gotten all the other books, too.

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