How do you cheat at Mario Kart?

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A/N: Inspired by this prompt on deity-prompts on tumblr: "I thought you left" "Nope, just making pancakes"

The morning sun flooded in, even through the blinds that were covering the bedroom window, spreading over Jack's face like a quick spreading fire. He tried to bury his face into the pillow underneath his head but to no avail.

Grunting, he pushed himself up, immediately remembering that he wasn't in his own bed back in England, but in a bed in Los Angeles where he was staying for a month. It was a house that he'd rented all the way back when he knew that he'd be coming despite Mark's protests that he could just stay at his house.

The next thing he noticed was that his head hurt. Assuming he might have been doing some drinking last night, he sat up slowly. There was a glass of water and paracetamol sitting on the nightstand.

Okay so obviously someone had been with him. He again assumed that it was probably Mark seeing as how they'd had plans the night before.

With his head in his hands, the memories of the night before flooded back in quick succession, almost striking Jack dizzy.

The dinner that he'd made, the alcohol he'd no doubt drank by himself because Mark couldn't, the games of Mario Kart they'd played. (He whooped the other man's ass.) They'd had a pretty fun night.

Unfortunately, the rest of the night decided to impede itself back into his memory as well.

They had started a tickling match after Mark claimed Jack had cheated at Mario Kart to which he asked "how the hell do you cheat at Mario Kart?" and then suddenly they were kissing.

And then they were naked and in the bed. Mark's mouth was all over his body. His legs were wrapped around the older man's waist.

Sounds of passion. Hair pulling. Hickeys. More kissing.


That explained why Mark was no longer in bed beside him, the sheets cold. He probably freaked out.

Obviously this was something that wasn't normal to just happen between them.

Jack didn't even bother to let himself think about the friendship he could have possibly lost with his drunk antics and pulled back the covers. He was still naked, of course, clothes strewn all about the bedroom floor. He didn't think too much of it. He couldn't allow himself to.

The Irishman grabbed a pair of underwear and pulled them on, grabbing a t-shirt as well and throwing it on. His head still hurt like a bitch but he'd have to power through it. He really needed a cup of coffee to face this day.

He opened the bedroom door, peeking out into the hallway. The house was silent. Just how he wanted it.

He crept down to the kitchen, swinging the door open, a startled yell coming from inside him when he saw Mark standing behind the Island in the middle of the kitchen, mixing ingredients in a bowl.

Jack pressed his hand to his chest, breathing heavily.

"I thought yeh left!"

"Nope, just making pancakes." Mark replied, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Want some?"

The younger man scowled, pressing his hands into the countertop. "Yeh're fucking lucky I didn't have a bat or i'd be busting your skull open."

"I don't think you'd kill me, anyway." Mark poured the batter mix in the pan, turning back to set the bowl on the counter.

It was then that he noticed the thick red lines on the man's back, his face turning bright red himself.

"So.." Jack started.

"So..?" Mark continued, an eyebrow raising in curiosity.

"Are we not going to talk about it?"

Mark flipped the pancake he was making, licking his lips. "I mean, we don't have to. We had fun, right? I think that's all that matters."

"It is a bit weird, though." He said, exhaling heavily. "We hooked up. That's not really a thing we do."

"Seán." Mark said gently, making him shiver. "You're thinking too hard about this."

Hearing Mark call him by his real name made his toes tingle. It was an experience. He was really the only one that ever had used that name since it was always easier for people to call him Jack.

"I seem to be the only one who is thinking about this!" He exclaimed, pushing fingers through his unruly hair.

Finishing up the pancakes, the older man placed them on the plate, then made his way over to Jack, grabbing his face in between both his hands.

The action immediately shut him up, pressing his lips in a thin line as their foreheads rested against one another.

"What if I told you that I wanted last night to happen and it was half the reason I came over?" Mark whispered, pressing soft kisses against his cheeks.

"I would say you're a liar." Jack responded, equally as quiet, his eyes having shut, secretly relishing the attention.

It felt weird and good at the same time to have the man in front of him this close . His insides were a flurry, kind of like tv static in his gut. It sent him into a tailspin of lightheadedness until Mark spoke, grounding him.

"Seán." He started once more, a lightning bolt striking deep inside Jack's stomach.

"I know that our past is filled with outright denials and girlfriends but after hours of serious reflection on why last night felt so right and why i've been feeling so out of place in my life really, i've come to the conclusion that you're the answer."

Their gazes connected, even with their close proximity making it a bit difficult, they still managed.

Jack wrapped his fingers around Mark's wrists, keeping the man's hands in place on his cheeks. His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest. It almost felt like it would explode right out of the cavity it was tucked away in.

"I'm the answer?"

Mark nodded quickly, pressing a gentle kiss to the younger male's lips. It took a few kisses before they were returned but the older male understood. It was a little early to spring such a serious thing upon someone. However, he definitely couldn't help it. He needed to say how he felt before Jack left LA.

"You're the answer. I've had such a hard time this year fitting into my life in a way that makes me happy." He sighed, pulling away slightly, replacing his hands on Jack's hips instead. He wanted to stare into the beautiful blue eyes he'd become accustomed to in such a short time.

"The only time that i've been truly happy is when you're around me. When I heard you were coming here I was hoping that I would get the chance to tell you. If I didn't completely freak out first."

Jack chuckled, pulling his lower lip between his teeth. His cheeks were turning pink gradually, his gaze shifting to the ground nervously. When Mark placed a finger underneath his chin, he lifted the Irishman's head to be able to look him in the eye again.

"I have no idea what to say." Jack said breathlessly, shaking his head to try to clear his thoughts.

"Tell me you at least, maybe feel the same way?" The dark haired man inquired nervously. "Or if you don't, at least don't hate me and tell me we can still be frie-"

"Mark." the Irishman interrupted, grinning madly. "You're an idiot if you think that I wouldn't be a complete fool over you."

Mark exhaled shakily, pushing himself into Jack's space, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that radiated heat to his toes. His body pinned the man against the wall, their kiss deepening with ferocity.

Upon hearing the younger male moan softly, he pulled himself away reluctantly, not wanting to get too carried away.

Jack giggled, stumbling forward, dizzy. "I take it you're happy?"

"Baby, happy doesn't even cover it."

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