Bathroom Rendezvous

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A/N: I've become more interested in sharing music I love and a lot of my little one shots are ideas that have come as i've listened to music, so expect to see more music on here for chapters that I feel represent the tone of the one shot as well as the picture I create for it!

This is an AU of sorts. I hope you enjoy it!

Seán finalized his outfit for the night, looking himself over in the mirror critically

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Seán finalized his outfit for the night, looking himself over in the mirror critically. This was the first time he was going out in a long time. Granted, it was just to his best friend Felix's party, but it was a big deal anyway. His days as a hermit save for university classes were getting a little tiresome and since he was told if he didn't show up, he'd be replaced as a best friend, he figured it was time to get out.

He was wearing a simple grey shirt that fit itself nicely around his slender frame and his ripped up, black skinny jeans that he really should retire to the land of the dead. His knees were out on full display, dark fabric fraying around the edges but they were tight and he felt what little confidence he could muster in them.

You see, he'd just broken up with his girlfriend, Lydia after dating for three months. It was always coming, he knew that but that didn't make it suck any less. He wanted his relationship with her to work.

However, it was probably for more selfish reasons than he'd like to admit. Basically, he was a walking sexuality crisis. A cliche from those cringy teen gay movies that all happen the same way.

Boy dates girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy starts to question self. Boy ends up into dudes.

Of course, he couldn't help his curiosity. He was just annoyed and ashamed that it happened like that. He was never really into being like everyone else. Being a loud Irish guy who previously had bright green hair, Seán liked to stand out.

With all of that being the case, Seán chose to ignore his problems instead of face them. It was working for him so far. He got to place everything in a neat little box in the back of his mind for later. Eventually, the cover would come off the hinges in a messy explosion but until then, alcohol and his friends were real good distractions when his obsessive studying for his degree couldn't be.

Not that Felix would let him forget about the situation but usually, a well placed and dirty enough look would get him to shut his trap real quick. His best friend knew all about his break up and made valiant efforts to convince him to address the issues stemming from it, but he wouldn't have it right now. He needed a break from the ever spinning tornado that were his thoughts.

One life changing situation at a time. Back to problems later.

Tonight, party and getting fantastically smashed. He hadn't been in ages, since he lived in Ireland, and he found he missed the party scene.

As he surveyed himself for the last time, running a few fingers through his short brown hair, his phone rang from his nightstand in his bedroom.

Jogging into the bedroom, he grabbed it and held it up to be able to hear as he'd put the call on speaker.

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