Nobody Said it Was Easy

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Nobody said it was easy. It's such a shame for us to part.

Nobody said it was easy.

No one ever said it would be this hard.


Its been two years.

Seán hasn't heard from Mark at all in two years.

They're supposed to be what you would call best friends and instead, he's been abandoned and it hurts.

Honestly, it hurts him a lot more than it should. A lot more than he expected it too.

He and Mark had made an agreement after parts of their communities had gone a little too far with the septiplier ship.

They'd had fun with it at first, even playing into it at some points. It made them both laugh to egg on the reactions of their audiences with things that would elude to their little ship being a real thing. Their reactions were priceless. It was fun for a while, having someone to joke with about that and in that manner, until people got out of hand with it.

Amy and Signe suffered the brunt of the hate, recieving death threats from people who were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were keeping he and Mark from being together in real life. People had even gone so far as to call Amy a gold digger and other various names.

It was for this reason that Mark had contacted him on Skype one day, suggesting that they keep their interactions private for a good while. Which meant not playing anything together for an indeterminate amount of time. They would talk in texts and on skype and possibly play online for fun but as for the rest, they needed to take a break so as to let it all die down.

They were protecting their girlfriends as much as they were protecting themselves and Seán agreed.

He agreed to the stipulation that they would still be communicating and would still be friends but that definitely wasn't what happened.

Instead, Mark completely disappeared from his life.

They didn't video chat at all on Skype or facetime, he didn't get any text messages in reply to the dozens he sent Mark, and they didn't even play any games together. He'd even inquired to Bob and Wade why he wasn't answering and they didn't have any answers for him either. He felt a bit weird and invasive after that, so he decided to hang back.

A couple months had passed when Mark approached him with the idea for Cloak and asked him to participate. Seán's stomach jumped when he saw he had a notification from the man and he answered in the afirmative immediately. He probably made himself look more desperate than he wanted to but he wasn't above that now.

Apart from meetings with the people they were working with to help start Cloak, he never really got to see Mark. The man would send him a few ideas over text message about the types of themes for the clothing drops and they would discuss schedules for the drops but other than that, nothing friendly. It was as if he was a faceless coworker in an office you talk to but never really get to know.

It hurt a lot more than he cared to admit. It was forcing him to face a very harsh reality. He needed Mark in his life.

Being without him felt like suffocating. He hadn't analyzed that feeling too closely, scared of what it might bring to the surface.

This situation was also affecting his relationship with Evelien. He and Signe had broken up months ago, going on separate paths in their lives. It didn't really matter much anyway, Mark was still awol even as he settled into a new relationship.

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