Beat of the Heart

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A/N: This was a request I recieved in my messages from Siennace2000 which I very much appreciate! 

Yall get bonus Tyler/Ethan pairing because I just felt like it!

Instead of music, you guys get Seán playing drums because why not!

Enjoy! xo

It was stupid, really

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It was stupid, really.

Tyler was constantly complaining that he never wanted to go out to do stuff with him and Ethan as a boys night. While he would love to, going out was never really Mark's thing. He'd been a homebody ever since his college days with books piled around him in intense study sessions.

It was those sessions and the lack of fun that probably lead him to drop out and instead pursue a life that was more suited to him, AKA being a gaming youtuber.

Now, instead of obsessing over studying Engineering, he was constantly working to make his Youtube channel better. Editing, until he'd gotten some help, and researching games to play. Whether it be for a three random games or just a video to tide the masses over until his next one.

Recently, he'd been working on a bigger project which involved a lot more writing and filming to get it done. It was a choose your own adventure type video for his community and he was rather proud of it. It wasn't the first time he'd done as much but this was a lot bigger than he'd ever attempted.

It meant that Work Mark was in charge 24/7 which made his friends a little annoyed with him. Wade and Bob seemed to understand the strict schedule and the big boy pants he seemed to slap on with every yell of "action!" but Tyler and Ethan being his younger friends, they loved to have fun whenever they could. They liked celebrating a good day of filming by going out.

Mark just couldn't let it go like that. He was too much of a workaholic. There was always something to do.

However, somehow he found himself sitting in Ethan's living room, trying to argue why going to a rock concert was decidedly not a good idea.

When Ethan and Tyler both told Mark the band was good looking, it made him pause. They would try to pray on his affinity for good looking musicians.

It wasn't a secret that he was one of the few gaming youtubers that weren't straight but it had been a very big revelation for his community since he'd been dating Amy beforehand. Frankly, it was a huge revalation for him as well but he was determined not to let it get in the way of his career. He was gay and proud and no one was going to make him feel otherwise. Anyone who had a problem with it, he'd gladly hold a door open for them to exit.

Even with said pride, he had yet to even begin to date. It wasn't for lack of trying but the guys that he started to talk to either ghosted him when he didn't answer for a day while he worked or they were just interested in a hit it and quit it situation and he definitely wasn't interested in that.

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