Chapter Six

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Surprisingly enough that trip to that shrine was very pleasant.  The priest was very friendly and knew a lot about the history. What he also explained was that he loved to help people. People who sought his help for exorcisms. And well, he was more than happy to help.

Honestly,  you weren't so sure what to think about that. It was kind of him, sure, but you were not sure that stuff existed. You out of all people should know, or at least know.

But you respected that belief, and you were happy to learn about it. However,  soon people began to arrive and it was time to say goodbye. Though he did give you an invite, to visit whenever you wanted before you left.

He did say he enjoyed your company.  But alas, it was time to return. All this time you hadn't checked your phone, not until you were seated in the taxi along with that lady. When you checked it, you had some texts from your parents and Junpei.

Your parents were worried, it showed since they kept on texting you. Now you felt guilty for being so skeptical and for making them worry. So they were the first ones you replied to, reassuring them that you were okay and that you just wanted them to know where you would be.

Junpei seemed maybe worried as well. He said he knew about that shrine but if anything happened, you shall call him. 'The trip turned out to be quite nice, to be honest. The priest was very nice to me. I'm sorry I had to cancel our plans. If you have time this evening, we can meet up in a restaurant that you recommend. Or maybe go to a place you want to show me. How does that sound?'

When you press send, that's when you can't help but stop and think. There was still time left, but...It wasn't enough. Junpei was growing on you. He had been bullied so much that he had stopped believing in people which was why he was so hesitant when you helped him. Maybe he thought that you had helped him because you wanted something in exchange.

After you both sat down and talked, you couldn't help but like him. He was very kind-hearted, despite his belief in people. "With your grades and ability to speak more than one language, it would be quite easy to obtain a scholarship and study in Japan." Manami must have noticed your saddened expression.

Honestly, you weren't expecting her to say much, let alone say that to you. "I don't think I'm ready to make that kind of decision. I have my family back home." Your life was there.

She made a sound that sounded a little like a scoff. "You are being presented with a good opportunity.  A good opportunity for a good education, and to even be guaranteed a good high-paying job. Unlike most people, you have a lot more to offer at a job. In your country, you won't be as valued as you would be here." Your apartment was getting close, " you have time to think about it. And our company would be more than happy to help. "

That was all she said as the taxi pulled over so it was time for you to exit it. "Thank you for this trip, it was better than I thought it would be. And I'll think about it, thank you."

She nodded, "Sure, let us know." 

You watched them leave and when they were out of sight, you headed to the apartment. But you noticed that the door wasn't locked as you left it. It was unlocked, almost as if it had been forced open. Pursing your lips you took careful steps and entered then stopped and listened to make sure no one was inside. There was no sound, and that apartment looked intact. But if the door was opened, someone was looking for something, probably money.

You went to your room which was where you had your things. And when you entered, there were some things thrown, the mattress was on the floor. Your beds kept you calm, but not spotting your mag where you kept your passport and other important documents made your heartbeat bad. You rushed and looked around, hoping that you would spot them on the ground. But nothing.

Still, you looked around and hoped the passport was somewhere on the ground. That was gone, and so were your meds and most of your stuff. There was some clothing scattered around but that was it.

The police, you needed to call it but you didn't know the number so instead you called the number that had been provided to you in that phone, which was gone too. Luckily you had it in your phone, so you dialed.

On the second ring, it was Manami who answered. "Yes?" She probably had your number as well. She must have heard your exasperated breaths, "is something wrong?"

"Miss Manami," oh, you sounded so desperate.  "Someone broke in and...And they took my things. I can't find my passport, I can't find my medication. I-"

"You're inside the apartment? Get out, we don't know if the thieves are close. Since the apartment is in our name, I'll call the police so they can check the cameras." Unlike you, she sounded very calm about it. "As for your passport, we all have your information. We will call the U.S. embassy and we'll help you with what you need so that you can return home when you need to."

Honestly, the passport was not what worried you the most. "No. I don't care about my passport now. My medication isn't here. I...I have a few doses...I need to keep taking my medication."

She let out a long breath. "You have to calm down. We'll get to that too and see what we can do about it. For now, I suggest you leave that place and we'll make you a reservation at a hotel if you like. What I need you to do is to get away from the apartment, I'll call you when it's safe to return. And like I said, if you wish to stay at a hotel, let me know." She paused. " For now call your friend, and meet up with him so that you can calm down."

She didn't wait for you to reply. She hung up, maybe to get to work on the issue at hand. You had medication for a day or two, so hopefully they could resolve the problem within that time.

Taking out your phone, you called Junpei and you hoped he would answer. If you wanted to keep yourself busy, otherwise you'd have to take a pill and it was a pill less. Hopefully, they will help you because without without your medication...It would be hell.

One Hell of a Trip(Jujutsu Kaisen reader insert).Where stories live. Discover now