Chapter Sixteen

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Home. That's where you wanted to be. Maybe you should have rejected that trip. If you had, you would continue to live the life you've created. You could have continued to believe that what you saw, and what you experienced as a child was nothing but your imagination.
But that was not the case, no. You were here, and with everything that had happened, you could no longer pretend that it wasn't real. It was easier as a child but now, it wasn't. Especially with what Geto told you.
It wasn't his involvement in trying to keep you here that kept you all morning in your room thinking. The thing was, he was right. You could go back home and continue as if nothing had happened. But what will happen when you can no longer take those medications? What if he was right, and these were created specifically for people like you?
You can't control it, and what if something happens like it happened years ago? This time, as awful as it sounds, this time it won't be strangers, bullies. This time it could be your parents, it could be people you love.
What if you stayed and learned more of what you tried to run away from? To prevent that sort of situation? So, you dragged yourself out of your room and went outside to search for Geto. The Shrine was empty, there weren't any people searching for Geto's help today. So your only option was to head to his room. Once you were there, you raised your knuckle and hesitated.
You curled and uncurled your fingers, hesitating. After taking a long and deep breath, you knocked once.
Geto didn't let you wait, he was quick to open the door. Though his face showed a surprised expression as if he wasn't expecting you. "You don't look so good, is something wrong?"
Even then, you wouldn't meet his gaze. "I've been thinking," you began looking and even glaring at the ground. "I couldn't sleep last night after what you said to me."
"Oh [Name]," he grabbed your hand and guided you inside. He guided you to his bed, where he sat you down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you this anxious."
He was standing so you had to raise your head to meet his gaze. "You're right. What if I go back and it happens again? I just...I just can't bear the thought of...If that offer is still available, I'd like to take that scholarship. That is until I learn more about these curses. About curse energy, and after I know how to control it. If that is okay of course. "
Slowly his lips twitched into a smile, he kneeled in front of you. "Of course, it is. You can stay in Japan and study for as long as you want. As long as I have people making donations, your education will continue until you're ready to go back home. You can continue to stay here if you like and I can teach you."
You shook your head, "I don't want to be a burden more than I already am. My friend is going to that college and I'd like to go there as well."
Something flashed in his gaze, and just for a second his smile disappeared. But as soon as it was gone, it returned. "Of course, " he rose to his feet. "In that college, they'll be able to help you more than I can. I am busy most of the time and I won't be able to offer all my attention to you, which you deserve."
You began to stand up, but he shook his head. "You look exhausted and my room is the furthest from the public. Stay and rest here. I'll talk to Minami and let her handle all the paperwork. Since there are a few sorcerers, that college will likely accept your transfer right away."
Honestly, you did feel tired. "I can't stay in your room." You must have realized the situation was. Despite the tiredness in your gaze, he didn't fail to see your blush.
He laughed and waved his hand. "It's fine, go on. Take some rest. I'll let you know when everything is ready." Once more he urged you but this time pushing you gently on the bed. He turned around and left the room, though he waited outside to see if you left; you didn't.
As he walked away, he retrieved his phone dialed Minami's number, and explained it to her. The girl remained silent, disapproving. "You do know they went to see her right? You're sending her to them."
He didn't like that either, but you would find it suspicious if you asked to go there and he refused to let you go there. Then he would lose the trust you had in him. "I know, but soon she'll understand how foul and disgusting monkeys are. When she realizes it, she's going to come to me willingly."
Minami sighed. "I still don't even know what you see in her. Isn't she just another sorcerer?"
"You weren't there when she was off those pulls. You should have seen the amount of curse energy flowing inside of her body and leaking out of her, creating all of those curses." Geto replied.
"I see. Well then, I'll get to work on her transfer. I doubt she'll need a scholarship, they'll be more than happy to take her in. She also sends the documentation to her parents once she speaks to them. The last thing we want is problems with foreign authorities. I'll make her stay as legal as it gets. I'll get her her passport as well in case they get suspicious again."
With that, she hung up and let Geto get back to work.
Geto has his plans with you, the Jujutsu College must also have their plans with you. What none of them fully realized that someone else had their plans. Plans that had sealed from the moment you 'won' that trip. A plan that would eventually go against both of their plans.

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