Chapter Twenty Four

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"You know, I think they're throwing things out of proportion. " Finally you can hang out with a few of your friends, not the way you wanted but something was better than nothing. It was training, sparring to be precise.  Nobara and Megumi were going at it, and although it was entertaining, Yuji was curious as to what you were up to.

Yuta hummed in agreement, "but I suppose it doesn't hurt to be cautious. "

"He's right," Maki added, "if that man is involved, it's best to listen and stay inside the school. I'm sure once they clear things up, they'll let you go out."

You let out a long sigh. "I guess. But judging from what I've been told, and from what has happened. I'm exactly where Kenjaku wants me, and I don't know what he would accomplish by that."

Toge pushed his notebook to you. 'Maybe he wants them to train you, that way he won't have that task.'Normally Toge doesn't say much, only a.feq words which are coded in food ingredients. However, lately, he has carried a small notebook with a pen.

You read it and you frown. "I'm...But why? I mean, I'm just regular, normal. "

What could that man want with you? "To you, you are." Maki explains, " We still don't know exactly what his motives are, what he wants with you. Just leave it to the higher-ups, they'll know what to do."

Yuji pats you on your shoulder. "Don't worry about it, they're going to fix it. So stop worrying. And honestly, I hope they do so soon. " His smile stretched, "there's a new restaurant we wanted to check out, but we'll just wait until you're allowed to go out of the school."

"That's very sweet of you guys," you gave them all a smile of gratitude.  "But you don't have to do that. You guys can check it out, and let me know how it is. Once I'm allowed, we can all go out."

Yuta smiled shyly,  "it isn't the same."

Toge nodded, "salmon."

For a moment though, your smile drops and you down.  "When I leave, I'm going to  miss all of you." And...that killed the atmosphere. But you weren't wrong, you were better at managing your emotions, which was your main goal. And once you mastered them, you'll go home.

"Have you," Yuji starts, "have you thought of staying?" As he said that, Maki and Megumi returned. The pair took a seat, though they must have heard what Yuji said.  "I mean, you can continue with your education here. Even if you decide to dedicate yourself to something else, you can get a scholarship."

They were expectant,  they too were thinking the same thing it seemed. "I can't. My family is in [country], and they're the only family I have left. I just want to spend as much time as I can with them."

"You're right," Yuta smiled, "we should enjoy the time we have with those we love." With what you knew what he was trying to say. Enjoy them while they're alive.

"Well," Nobara was cleaning some swear off of her forehead and neck, " even if she goes back. It's not like she can't get in touch. She can send us a text, call, or video call. Or if necessary,  send us an email or something."

You smiled and also thanked her for the input. "She's right, we might be apart but we'll keep in touch. Besides, I can also show you guys through the phone my home. And" your smile widened, "I might even travel and visit you guys once in a while."  You patted Yuji's and Yuta's shoulders. Though your gaze trailed to Junpei.

Junpei hadn't said a word, he had remained back silent. So you stood up and offered a smile once more. When he heard your steps, he looked up but quickly looked away. You sat down at his side, and you led to the side placing your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "This isn't fair."

"Junpei..." What could you say to him?

"When you transferred, I thought maybe we would spend more time together.  But you've been very busy, we've been so busy," he corrected himself. "And now," you were close to going home.

"I can't stay Junpei, I have to go home. They're growing old and they don't have anyone else either. I want to enjoy the time we have together, and I want to be close to them when they're older. But," you straightened up and grabbed his arm, shaking him slightly to get his attention. When his gaze locked with yours, a wide smile reached your lips. "I'll call you, every day. And on vacations, I'll try to convince my folks to come with me. I want you to meet them, and I want them to meet you too. How's that?"

His lips began to stretch, though you didn't miss the blush across his cheeks as he nodded. You didn't point it out to not make him feel embarrassed.  Instead, you convinced him to stand up and join the others.

The group continued to talk, sharing some few things. Sometimes Yuji would say a couple of jokes which would earn laughs from the group, and from you. Junpei wasn't paying attention to what was being said. No, he was too occupied staring at you. Trying to memorize your smiling face, and he found his heartbeat elevating upon the sight. You've always been pretty, but lately why did you look...Just etheral?

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