Chapter Twenty One

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Note: This might be boring but I needed it to do it before things really start to hit it off. 


It was early, way too early and maybe it was the best time to meditate. But it was cold and you were still sleepy, not to mention hungry. But after days of taking it easy, finally, you were given a time and a place where you'll be taught, and trained. 


  What you did not expect to see was the doctor, Shōko. She wore her coat, and what she could usually wear as she worked in the school. The woman met you in the middle of the field, nothing special about it. Just surrounded by trees, and it didn't sound like there were any students around. 


  "Good morning," she greeted and motioned for you to approach. She then glanced at the ground. "Although I was assigned to start with your training, I still have other work. Which is why you're starting early, not to mention there won't be as much noise as usual. We're starting with meditation, not sure if you're familiar with it."


  As she explained you took the familiar pose you've taken when Geto had guided you and explained a bit of meditation. "Just gists of it. It helps to keep me calm." 


  Shōko nodded, "Meditation has a lot of benefits. But since you want to be able to control your emotions and control curse energy, it's important to remain calm at all times. Even when there are moments that would normally draw out a negative emotion. Once you master that, then you can tackle the rest. Today let's start with an hour of meditation, or perhaps more if you can. However, if you find yourself close to getting frustrated, we'll take a break. Let's start by closing your eyes, and get into a comfortable position. Good, take a deep breath and exhale." 


  Her words were gentle as she guided your meditation, and when she noticed that you were doing well on your own she let you meditate in silence. Surprisingly enough, you took over an hour of meditation without showing any sign of frustration. Then you knew more about meditating than you let on, why didn't you apply it to control yourself then? 


  Your eyes opened when you were growing frustrated, and she could feel the spike in your curse energy. "We won't outright start you off meditating all day. What we'll do is meditate each morning, and slowly increase the time you meditate. After each meditation, you'll run taking breaks here and there until you're tired. After that, the day is yours. Though, be aware you're still expected to attend your classes, which should be taken later in the day." 


  "I understand, thank you." You stood up and dusted yourself off. 


  "Where did you learn how to meditate?" She asked curious.

  "A priest as a Shrine, I spent a few days there. That's where I learned why?" 


 But Shoko shook her head. "Nothing important. Go, and if you have any questions you know where to find me. "



  You watched her leave and once she was out of sight, you stretched your back. This place seemed like a nice place to run, so you did some stretches and then ran. And after that, you continued your day. 


  By the end of it, you were left exhausted and you didn't have time to meet with those you've met, or your friend Junpei for a week. 


  It wasn't until week two that you finally got used to the schedule, and that you managed to end days with more energy. And it was then that you finally had the time to talk to your family.  


  They weren't happy about it, but once again you told them you were okay, Japan was a place where education took most of the day. And studying as well. 


  And finally, you were able to spend some time with Junpei. They were going out and seeing that you weren't busy at the moment, they invited you. 


  "You know, " Yuji stretched with a content smile on his face. There was a rather large table, which was surrounded by quite a few people. Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Maki, Toge, and of course Junpei. "Your training must be brutal if you haven't even had the chance to see any of us."


  He wasn't talking to anyone but you and Junpei agreed by nodding. " It's...Not training per se. Meditation and some exercising, plus classes and studying. I was left pretty tired by the end of the day."


  "Can't blame you." Junpei commented, "But you do get used to it."


  "If you think that rough, wait until you get to train in missions." It wasn't bad how Nobara said it, just sort of like what you were going to expect. 


"I don't plan on staying long," Although Junpei tried to explain it to you, you decided to tell them instead.  


  "Really? I thought that maybe you would. Considering you were even recommended to the school." Maki added now curious. 


  "Well yes. I just came to Japan because of a trip I won. I was expected to stay for two weeks, and then go home." At this, you smiled sadly. "But because some things happened, I think it is best to be able to control my curse energy and my emotions. Then once I'm ready, I'm going home."


  Yuta's eyes trailed to Junpei and then back to you. His lips parted unsure whether to ask or not. "My case is a little hard to explain, so let us leave it there."


  "Sorcers aren't as common as you think, it would be beneficial to join. You're given plenty of opportunities if you do decide to stay." Nobara pointed out. "Judging by the amount of curse energy you have, you'll make it." 

 "I know, but this is the best thing to do." 


  Again Nobara tried to say something but Megumi shook his head. "Let's just eat, it's getting late and she probably has to get up earlier than us." 


  With that, all of you began to eat. Though Junpei made sure to check up on you. And you responded with a smile and ate while sharing some things here and there. 


  This would be one of the many nights you all would share...For now at least. 

One Hell of a Trip(Jujutsu Kaisen reader insert).Where stories live. Discover now